Gaeds is a simple type-safe Scala wrapper for Google App Engine Datastore.
- Gaeds provides an Object/Entity mapper with a type-safe Key.
- Gaeds provides a type-safe query DSL.
- Gaeds persists
objects (include Case Class in Scala). - Gaeds deals with
properties asOption
objects. - Gaeds models can be converted to JSON and can be restored from JSON using lift-json.
Add the following to your sbt configuration.
libraryDependencies += "com.github.hexx" %% "gaeds" % "0.2.0"
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import{ DatastoreServiceFactory, Entity, Query }
val ds = DatastoreServiceFactory.getDatastoreService
// data
val kind = "Person"
case class Person(name: String, age: Long)
val p = Person("John", 13)
// put
val e = new Entity(kind)
e.setProperty("age", p.age)
val key = ds.put(e)
// get
val e2 = ds.get(key)
val p2 = Person(e2.getProperty("name").asInstanceOf[String], e2.getProperty("age").asInstanceOf[Long])
// query
val q = new Query(kind)
val f1 = new FilterPredicate("age", GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL, 10)
val f2 = new FilterPredicate("age", LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL, 20)
q.setFilter(CompositeFilterOperator.and(f1, f2))
q.addSort("age", ASCENDING)
q.addSort("name", ASCENDING)
val ps = for (e <- ds.prepare(q).asIterator.asScala) yield {
Person(e.getProperty("name").asInstanceOf[String], e.getProperty("age").asInstanceOf[Long])
import com.github.hexx.gaeds.{ Datastore, Mapper, Property }
import com.github.hexx.gaeds.Property._
// data
class Person(
val name: Property[String],
val age: Property[Long])
extends Mapper[Person] {
def this() = this("", 0)
object Person extends Person
val p = new Person("John", 13)
// put
val key = Datastore.put(p) // or
val key2 = p.put()
// get
val p2 = Datastore.get(key) // or
val p3 = key.get
// query
val ps = Person.query
.filter(p => (p.age #>= 10) and (p.age #<= 20))
.sort(_.age asc)
.sort( asc)