A decentralized slot game implementation on the Aptos blockchain.
This smart contract implements a slot game where players can:
- Create a new game instance
- Commit a random slot pull
- Reveal the results of their slot pull
The game uses a commit-reveal pattern to ensure fairness and prevent manipulation of results.
- Decentralized Randomness: Uses Aptos's randomness module for fair and verifiable results
- Token-based Games: Each game instance is represented as a token in a collection
- Two-step Gameplay: Commit-reveal pattern to ensure fairness
- Event Emission: Emits events for game outcomes for easy tracking NOTE: It also means randomness API calls are supported only in entry function-based transactions. (For example, using randomness API in a Move script is impossible.)
- Each slot has values ranging from 5 to 30
- Winning condition: All three slots show the same number
- Players must complete the commit step before revealing
- Players cannot commit twice without revealing first
- Players cannot reveal twice without committing again
The contract includes comprehensive unit tests covering:
- Module initialization
- Game creation
- Commit-reveal mechanics
- Error cases
- Uses commit-reveal pattern to prevent result manipulation
- Prevents double-commits and double-reveals
- All critical functions check for game existence
chmod +x sh_scripts/script_setup.sh
Then run the script of setup
##### Running tests #####
[ PASS ] 0x100::slot_game::test_can_not_commit_twice
[ PASS ] 0x100::slot_game::test_can_not_commit_when_game_is_not_exist
[ PASS ] 0x100::slot_game::test_can_not_reveal_twice
[ PASS ] 0x100::slot_game::test_can_not_reveal_without_commit_first
[debug] 0x100::slot_game::Slots {
slot_1: 1,
slot_2: 9,
slot_3: 11
[ PASS ] 0x100::slot_game::test_commit_and_reveal_slot_game_happy_path
[ PASS ] 0x100::slot_game::test_create_game
[ PASS ] 0x100::slot_game::test_init_module_is_right
[ PASS ] 0x100::slot_game::test_is_owner
Test result: OK. Total tests: 8; passed: 8; failed: 0
"Result": "Success"
##### Publishing module #####
package size 7917 bytes
Transaction submitted: https://explorer.aptoslabs.com/txn/0x77e7ad6131b20056e765d0bd934ab21d8a2a6e5e047e13802ccc524e8cd765f5
"Result": {
"transaction_hash": "0x77e7ad6131b20056e765d0bd934ab21d8a2a6e5e047e13802ccc524e8cd765f5",
"gas_used": 6103,
"gas_unit_price": 100,
"sender": "56313a0ccd30f4dc579898ad6371606e72ded45a9d0539ad25cb795af465b373",
"sequence_number": 25,
"success": true,
"timestamp_us": 1727173810664618,
"version": 6032873453,
"vm_status": "Executed successfully"
##### Deploy module in a object #####
Do you want to deploy this package at object address 0x6b0979c6d0a7bea496af7206873d5b3f9eed5046cf214a8c0064453e5f75f1d1 [yes/no] >
package size 8095 bytes
Do you want to submit a transaction for a range of [714200 - 1071300] Octas at a gas unit price of 100 Octas? [yes/no] >
Transaction submitted: https://explorer.aptoslabs.com/txn/0xb168d03b3b78d5fb57de5b281e445b00588d176c7f51ec9b769515a463f6a73e?network=testnet
Code was successfully deployed to object address 0x6b0979c6d0a7bea496af7206873d5b3f9eed5046cf214a8c0064453e5f75f1d1
"Result": "Success"
##### Running move script to create game #####
##### Running move script to make random commit #####
##### Running move script to make random reveal #####
##### Running move script to make random commit & reveal #####