Kodemorfi is a markup language inspired by Markdown.
There isn't a lot of features for now.
Create a new file and call it main.km
. In it, use these characters to start a sentence with proprieties:
\: Escape character
#: Make a big text
[size]: Use custom text size (for example: [5] or [0.6])
-: Use a separator
You can put properties in a word like this: /proprety/word\
. Here are the properties:
b: Bold word
i: Italic word
u: Underlined word
For example, to make the world hello!
bold, you can input /b/hello!\
If you want to apply a propretie to more than 1 word at the time, you can use |proprety|The sentence|
. The propreties are the same as for a single word (b for bold, i for italic, and u to underline).
For example, you can make the string This will be bold
bold by inputing |b|This will be bold|
You can see more examples in the main.km example file or in the examples folder.
Then, execute Kodemorfi. If everything went right, you should see a kodemorfi_output.html
The output (on the terminal/console/shell/whatever) should look like this:
Kodemorfi vD-8.06.24
Reading file... Done
Line 1: Big text. Computing... Done
Line 3: Custom size text. Computing... Done
Line 5: Big text. Computing... Done
Line 6: Custom size text. Computing... Done
<!-- Generated by Kodemorfi vD-8.06.24 --><h1>Hello there!</h1><p>This is a simple file for Kodemorfi</p><p style="font-size: 0.6em">This is a small text</p><p>And this is a normal text</p><h1>Big text!</h1><p style="font-size: 0.5em">That's all there is... for now</p>
Writing file... Done
See the example file to see how the propreties can be used.