I'm a Mechanical Engineer, currently learning about Software Development, based in Osaka, Japan. 🇯🇵
- 🔭 I’m currently working on building knowledge and skills in Web Development
- 🌱 I’m currently learning HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript (soon onto frameworks like React, Redux, Express and more).
- 📫 How to reach me:
- ⚡ Fun fact: I use Ubuntu as my daily OS. Previously was on macOS for 10+ years.
- 📝 I also have a blog to document my learning journey here!
- Complete Forms chapter on The Odin Project.
- Improve Etch-A-Sketch project UI design.
- Fix Landing Page project UI image scaling issue.
Already completed
- Finish the Foundations chapter on The Odin Project (Apr. 2023)
- Finish the New Responsive Web Design Certification of FreeCodeCamp (Apr. 2023)
- Finish section 34 on Colt Steele's Udemy bootcamp (Apr. 2023)
- Finish JavaScript Basics section on The Odin Project (Overdue March 2023)
- Finish the Tribute Page project on FreeCodeCamp (Overdue Feb. 2023)
- Finish Landing Page project on FreeCodeCamp
- Get to section 23 (Newer JavaScript features) on Udemy bootcamp
- Finish CSS Foundations section on The Odin Project (Feb. 2023)
- Complete the CSS sections on Colt Steele’s Udemy bootcamp (Feb. 2023)
- Finish the Introduction section on The Odin Project (Jan. 2023)
- Finish the Learn CSS Colors project on FreeCodeCamp (Jan. 2023)
- Finish the HTML Semantics section on Colt Steele’s Udemy bootcamp (Jan. 2023)
P.S. I find the command line so fun.