A little elixir program to update time registers in a google drive spreadsheet
If you're a developer and clone the repo, you can use mix to install dependencies and then build and install the executable.
$ mix deps.get
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix escript.build
$ MIX_ENV=prod mix escript.install
By default, escript executables are installed in ~/.mix/escripts, so you have to add this folder to your path. Otherwise, you can copy the executable in a folder already added to the path, like /usr/local/bin
NOTE: An escript is an executable that can be invoked from the command line. An escript can run on any machine that has Erlang/OTP installed and by default does not require Elixir to be installed, as Elixir is embedded as part of the escript.
Follow this steps to create and configure a project in Google Developers Console (extracted from https://github.com/Voronchuk/elixir_google_spreadsheets, the best explanation I've found so far, thx Voronchuk)
- Use this wizard to create or select a project in the Google Developers Console and automatically turn on the API. Click Continue, then Go to credentials.
- On the Add credentials to your project page, create Service account key.
- Select your project name as service account and JSON as key format, download the created key and rename it to service_account.json.
- Press Manage service accounts on a credential page, copy your Service Account Identifier: [projectname]@[domain].iam.gserviceaccount.com
Create or open existing Google Spreadsheet document on your Google Drive and add Service Account Identifier as user invited in spreadsheet's Collaboration Settings.
Put your service_account.json in ~/.time_register folder
Finally, in the same folder, create a settings json file with general configuration and secrets.
"first_row": 0,
"columns_to_update": 0
spreadsheet_url: spreadsheet id from url
header_rows: number of header rows to skip (1 in sheet example below)
columns_to_update: columns to be updated in every month day row (5 in sheet example below)
Time registers sheet example
1 | month day | morning start | afternoon start | morning end | afternoon end
2 | 1 | | | |
3 | 2 | | | |
time_register -i|--item <item> # Updates item in current day row
time_register -s # Show current day row values
item: It's one of: sm (start at morning); em (end at morning); sa (start at afternoon); ea (end at afternoon)
Use of tzdata version ~>0.1.8 is needed for escript building (see bitwalker/timex#86)