- using pandas, numpy to read and preprocess patients' data, and maintain it in a pd.df. including >10000 patients, >100000 blood test data
- using XGBoost to build a decision tree model, to predict if a patient has AKI from his/her general info and historical blood test data. with >98% accuracy
- using socket to read real-time blood testdata from simulator, predict simultaneously, and page to the hospital with low latency.
- build docker image; write unit test, integration test, validation module; run and test automatically.
- pushed docker image to Azure Kubernetes. add recovery mechanisms (store and reload csv files)
- use prometheus and alertmanager to generate metrics, send alerts automatically.
- Dockerfile:
Assume the simulator will run outside of Docker:
python simulator.py
Build Docker image:
docker build -t cw3 .
Set Docker environment variables for running:
docker run -e MLLP_ADDRESS=host.docker.internal:8440 -e PAGER_ADDRESS=host.docker.internal:8441 -p 8000:8000 cw3
View localhost:8000
for metrics.
Login to Azure:
az login
Login to Azure Container Registry (ACR):
az acr login --name
Build Docker image for Linux x86-64 platform:
docker build --platform=linux/x86-64 -t .
Push Docker image to ACR:
docker push
Delete existing Kubernetes deployment:
kubectl delete deployment aki-detection -n
Apply Kubernetes configuration:
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/deployment.yaml
To see logs:
kubectl logs --namespace= -l app=aki-detection -n
To check port:
kubectl get pods -n
To forward Prometheus to local port (then access via http://localhost:8000) or simply access
kubectl -n port-forward {port_name} 8000:8000
To deploy alerting rules, first apply the alert rule yaml
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/alerting-rules.yaml
Then restart prometheus server to fetch the newest alerting_rules
kubectl delete deployment prometheus -n
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/prometheus-deployment.yaml
- This is a Group Project Done by Olivia, Tammy, Iqbal, and Tony. During course 70102 'Software Engineering for Machine Learning Systems' @ ICL
- All resources came from Andrew Eland, DoC, Imperial College London