Page in Terraform Registry
This module allows you to deploy a Kubernetes cluster based on Talos OS in the vSphere infrastructure. The configuration of the virtual machines fully corresponds to the configuration of Talos OS v1.0.x.
module "kubernetes-cluster" {
source = "ilpozzd/vsphere-cluster/talos"
version = "1.1.0"
datacenter = "Company_Datacenter"
datastores = [
hosts = [
resource_pool = "Kubernetes_Cluster"
folder = "Office/Kubernetes_Cluster"
remote_ovf_url = ""
control_plane_count = 3
control_plane_num_cpus = 2
control_plane_memory = 2048
control_plane_disks = [
label = "sda"
size = 20
control_plane_network_interfaces = [
name = "192_168_10_0"
worker_count = 2
worker_num_cpus = 4
worker_memory = 4096
worker_disks = [
label = "sda"
size = 40
worker_network_interfaces = [
name = "192_168_10_0"
machine_base_configuration = {
install = {
disk = "/dev/sda"
image = ""
bootloader = true
wipe = false
time = {
disabled = false
servers = [
bootTimeout = "2m0s"
features = {
rbac = true
machine_network = {
nameservers = [
control_plane_machine_network_interfaces = [
interface = "eth0"
addresses = [
routes = [
network = ""
gateway = ""
interface = "eth0"
addresses = [
routes = [
network = ""
gateway = ""
interface = "eth0"
addresses = [
routes = [
network = ""
gateway = ""
worker_machine_network_interfaces = [
interface = "eth0"
addresses = [
routes = [
network = ""
gateway = ""
interface = "eth0"
addresses = [
routes = [
network = ""
gateway = ""
cluster_name = "kubernetes-cluster"
kubeconfig_path = "./configs/kubeconfig"
talosconfig_path = "./configs/talosconfig"
Name | Version |
terraform | >= 1.1.9, < 2.0.0 |
hashicorp/vsphere | 2.1.1 |
- Allocate space
- Browse datastore
- Low level file operations
- Remove file
- Update virtual machine files
- Update virtual machine metadata
- Create folder
- Delete folder
- Move folder
- Rename folder
- Assign network
- Assign virtual machine to resource pool
- Migrate powered off virtual machine
- Migrate powered on virtual machine
Profile-driven storage:
- Profile-driven storage view
- Import
- View OVF environment
- vApp application configuration
- vApp instance configuration
- vApp managedBy configuration
- vApp resource configuration
Virtual machine:
- Change Configuration
- Edit Inventory
- Guest Operations
- Interaction
- Provisioning
Object | Role | Defined in |
vCenter | Terraform Role |
This object |
Datacenter | Read-only Role |
This object |
Datastore Cluster | Terraform Role |
This object and it's children |
Hosts Cluster | Read-only Role |
This object |
Hosts | Terraform Role |
This object |
DPG | Terraform Role |
This object |
Folder | Terraform Role |
This object and it's children |
Resource pool | Terraform Role |
This object and it's children |
Name | Version |
hashicorp/vsphere | 2.1.1 |
hashicorp/local | 2.2.3 |
Name | Version |
ilpozzd/secrets/talos | 1.0.0 |
ilpozzd/vsphere-vm/talos | 1.1.0 |
Name | Type |
local_file.kubeconfig | resource |
local_file.talosconfig | resource |
Name | Description | Type | Default | Required |
datacenter | VMware datacenter name. | string |
- |
Yes |
datastores | VMWare datastore(s) where all data for the virtual machine will be placed in. | list(string) |
- |
Yes |
hosts | ESXi host(s) where the virtual machine will be created. | list(string) |
- |
Yes |
resource_pool | VMWare resource pool where the virtual machine will be created. | string |
- |
Yes |
folder | Folder to create the virtual machines in. | string |
- |
Yes |
remote_ovf_url | URL to the remote Talos OS 1.0.x ovf/ova file. | string |
- |
Yes |
control_plane_count | Number of 'controlplane' virtual machines. | number |
2 |
No |
worker_count | Number of 'worker' virtual machines. | number |
0 |
No |
control_plane_num_cpus | The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to 'controlplane' virtual machines. | number |
2 |
No |
worker_num_cpus | The total number of virtual processor cores to assign to 'worker' virtual machines. | number |
4 |
No |
control_plane_memory | The amount of RAM for 'controlplane' virtual machines, in Mb. | number |
2048 |
No |
worker_memory | The amount of RAM for 'worker' virtual machines, in Mb. | number |
4096 |
No |
control_plane_disks | A specification list for a virtual disk devices on 'controlplane' virtual machines. Use only first disk to Talos installation in 'machine_base_configuration'. block | list |
- |
Yes |
worker_disks | "A specification list for a virtual disk devices on 'worker' virtual machines. Use only first disk to Talos installation in 'machine_base_configuration' block. | list |
[] |
No |
control_plane_network_interfaces | A specification list for a virtual NIC on 'controlplane' virtual machines. | list |
- |
Yes |
worker_network_interfaces | A specification list for a virtual NIC on 'worker' virtual machines. | list |
[] |
No |
talos_base_configuration | Talos OS top-level configuration. | object |
object |
No |
machine_secrets | Secret data that is used to create trust relationships between virtual machines. | object |
- |
No |
talos_admin_pki | Base64 encoded certificate (signed by and key (in ED25519) to provide access to virtual machine trought talosctl . |
object |
{} |
No |
machine_base_configuration | Basic configuration of all virtual machines. | object |
- |
Yes |
control_plane_machine_extra_configuration | Extended configuration of 'controlplane' virtual machine. | object |
{} |
No |
worker_machine_extra_configuration | Extended configuration of 'worker' virtual machines. | object |
{} |
No |
control_plane_machine_cert_sans | A list of alternative names for control_plane_count control planes (optional). | list(list(string)) |
[] |
No |
worker_machine_cert_sans | A list of alternative names for worker_count workers (optional). | list(list(string)) |
[] |
No |
machine_network | General network configuration of the virtual machine. 'hostname' and 'interfaces' parameters are described in separate inputs. | object |
{} |
No |
control_plane_machine_network_hostnames | A list of hostnames for control_plane_count of 'controlplane' virtual machines (if not set will be generated automatically). | list(string) |
[] |
No |
worker_machine_network_hostnames | A list of hostnames for worker_count of 'worker' virtual machines (if not set will be generated automatically). | list(string) |
[] |
No |
control_plane_machine_network_interfaces | A list of network interfaces for control_plane_count of 'controlplane' virtual machines (if not set DHCP will be used). Not less than one element with one static IP address required. | list |
[] |
Yes |
worker_machine_network_interfaces | A list of network interfaces for worker_count of 'worker' virtual machines (if not set DHCP will be used). | list |
[] |
No |
cluster_secrets | Secret data that is used to establish trust relationships between Kubernetes cluster nodes. | object |
- |
No |
control_plane_cluster_secrets | Secret data required to establish trust relationships between components used by 'controlplane' nodes in the Kubernetes cluster. | object |
{} |
No |
cluster_name | The name of the cluster. | string |
- |
Yes |
cluster_control_plane | Data to define the API endpoint address for joining a node to the Kubernetes cluster. | object |
- |
Yes/No |
cluster_discovery | Data that sets up the discovery of nodes in the Kubernetes cluster. | object |
object |
No |
control_plane_cluster_configuration | Data that configure the components of the 'controlplane' nodes in the Kubernetes cluster. | object |
{} |
No |
cluster_inline_manifests | A list of Kuberenetes manifests whose content is represented as a string. These will get automatically deployed as part of the bootstrap. | list |
[] |
No |
cluster_extra_manifests | A list of URLs that point to additional manifests. These will get automatically deployed as part of the bootstrap. |
list(string) |
[] |
No |
cluster_extra_manifest_headers | A map of key value pairs that will be added while fetching the cluster_extra_manifests . |
map(string) |
{} |
No |
validity_period_hours | The number of hours after initial issuing that ALL generated certificates become invalid. | number |
8760 |
No |
kubeconfig_path | Path to save kubeconfig file (Include filename. If not set config will not be created). | string |
"" |
No |
talosconfig_path | Path to save talosconfig file (Include filename. If not set config will not be created). | string |
"" |
No |
vmtoolsd_extra_manifest | A link to talos-vmtoolsd Kubernetes manifest. | string |
Link |
No |
label = string
size = number
eagerly_scrub = optional(bool)
thin_provisioned = optional(bool)
- Any name for disk (label for Terraform)size
- Capacity in Gbeagerly_scrub
- See vSphere Provider Documentation
name = string
- Distributed Port Group (DPG) name
version = string
persist = bool
version = "v1alpha1"
persist = false
See Config section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
token = string
ca = object({
crt = string
key = string
See MachineConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
By default generated by ilpozzd/secrets/talos. You can provide your own. If you provide this secrets you also must provide talos_admin_pki
crt = optional(string)
key = optional(string)
- Base64 encoded certificate in PEM formatkey
- Base64 encoded key in PEM format
By default generated by ilpozzd/secrets/talos.
install = object({
disk = string
extraKernelArgs = optional(list(string))
image = string
bootloader = bool
wipe = bool
diskSelector = optional(object({
size = string
model = string
busPath = string
extensions = optional(list(string))
kubelet = optional(object({
image = string
extraArgs = optional(map(string))
clusterDNS = optional(list(string))
extraMounts = optional(list(object({
destination = string
type = string
source = string
options = list(string)
extraConfig = optional(map(string))
nodeIP = optional(object({
validSubnets = list(string)
time = optional(object({
disabled = optional(bool)
servers = optional(list(string))
bootTimeout = optional(string)
features = optional(object({
rbac = optional(bool)
See MachineConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
controlPlane = optional(object({
controllerManager = object({
disabled = bool
scheduler = object({
disabled = bool
pods = optional(list(map(any)))
disks = optional(list(object({
device = string
partitions = list(object({
mountpoint = string
size = string
files = optional(list(object({
content = string
permissions = string
path = string
op = string
env = optional(object({
GRPC_GO_LOG_VERBOSITY_LEVEL = optional(string)
GRPC_GO_LOG_SEVERITY_LEVEL = optional(string)
http_proxy = optional(string)
https_proxy = optional(string)
no_proxy = optional(bool)
sysctls = optional(map(string))
sysfs = optional(map(string))
registries = optional(object({
mirrors = optional(map(object({
endpoints = list(string)
config = optional(map(object({
tls = object({
insecureSkipVerify = bool
clientIdentity = optional(object({
crt = string
key = string
ca = optional(string)
auth = optional(object({
username = optional(string)
password = optional(string)
auth = optional(string)
identityToken = optional(string)
systemDiskEncryption = optional(map(object({
provider = string
keys = optional(list(object({
static = optional(object({
passphrase = string
nodeID = optional(map(string))
slot = optional(number)
cipher = optional(string)
keySize = optional(number)
blockSize = optional(number)
options = optional(list(string))
udev = optional(object({
rules = list(string)
logging = optional(object({
destinations = list(object({
endpoint = string
format = string
kernel = optional(object({
modules = list(object({
name = string
See MachineConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
nameservers = optional(list(string))
extraHostEntries = optional(list(object({
ip = string
aliases = list(string)
kubespan = optional(object({
enabled = bool
See NetworkConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
hostname and interfaces parameters are described in separate inputs.
interface = string
addresses = optional(list(string))
routes = optional(list(object({
network = string
gateway = optional(string)
source = optional(string)
metric = optional(number)
vlans = optional(list(object({
addresses = list(string)
routes = optional(list(object({
network = string
gateway = optional(string)
source = optional(string)
metric = optional(number)
dhcp = optional(boolbase64decode(module.secrets.kubernetes_admin_pki.key)
mtu = optional(number)
bond = optional(object({
interfaces = list(string)
mode = string
lacpRate = string
dhcp = optional(bool)
ignore = optional(bool)
dummy = optional(bool)
dhcpOptions = optional(object({
routeMetric = number
ipv4 = optional(bool)
ipv6 = optional(bool)
wireguard = optional(object({
privateKey = string
listenPort = number
firewallMark = number
peers = list(object({
publicKey = string
endpoint = string
persistentKeepaliveInterval = optional(string)
allowedIPs = list(string)
vip = optional(object({
ip = string
equinixMetal = optional(object({
apiToken = string
hcloud = optional(object({
apiToken = string
See Device section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
id = string
secret = string
token = string
ca = object({
crt = string
key = string
See ClusterConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
By default generated by ilpozzd/secrets/talos. You can provide your own.
aescbcEncryptionSecret = optional(string)
aggregatorCA = optional(object({
crt = optional(string)
key = optional(string)
serviceAccount = optional(object({
key = optional(string)
etcd = optional(object({
ca = object({
crt = optional(string)
key = optional(string)
See ClusterConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
By default generated by ilpozzd/secrets/talos. You can provide your own.
endpoint = optional(string)
localAPIServerPort = optional(number)
See ControlPlaneConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
Required if init
node is outside of this cluster.
enabled = bool
registries = optional(object({
kubernetes = optional(object({
disabled = bool
service = optional(object({
disabled = bool
endpoint = string
enabled = true
See ClusterDiscoveryConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
network = optional(object({
cni = optional(object({
name = string
urls = optional(list(string))
dnsDomain = optional(string)
podSubnets = optional(list(string))
serviceSubnets = optional(list(string))
apiServer = optional(object({
image = string
extraArgs = optional(map(string))
extraVolumes = optional(list(object({
hostPath = string
mountPath = string
readonly = bool
env = optional(map(string))
certSANs = optional(list(string))
disablePodSecurityPolicy = optional(bool)
admissionControl = optional(list(object({
name = string
configuration = map(any)
controllerManager = optional(object({
image = string
extraArgs = optional(map(string))
extraVolumes = optional(list(object({
hostPath = string
mountPath = string
readonly = bool
env = optional(map(string))
proxy = optional(object({
disabled = bool
image = optional(string)
mode = optional(string)
extraArgs = optional(map(string))
scheduler = optional(object({
image = string
extraArgs = optional(map(string))
extraVolumes = optional(list(object({
hostPath = string
mountPath = string
readonly = bool
env = optional(map(string))
etcd = optional(object({
image = optional(string)
extraArgs = optional(map(string))
subnet = optional(string)
coreDNS = optional(object({
disabled = bool
image = optional(string)
externalCloudProvider = optional(object({
enabled = bool
manifests = list(string)
adminKubeconfig = optional(object({
certLifetime = string
allowSchedulingOnMasters = optional(bool)
See ClusterConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
name = string
contents = string
See ClusterConfig section in Talos Configuration Reference for detail description.
Name | Description | Type | Sensitive |
cluster_endpoint | API endpoint of the cluster. | string |
false |
cluster_id | Qunique identificator of the cluster. | string |
true |
cluster_nodes | List of all nodes in the cluster. | object |
false |
kubeconfig | Configuration file for obtaining administrative access to the cluster. | string |
true |
talosconfig | Configuration file for obtaining administrative access to Talos virtual machines. | string |
true |
kubernetes_admin_pki | Cerificates and keys for obtaining administrative access to the cluster. | object |
string |
control_plane = list(string)
worker = list(string)
cluster_ca_certificate = string
client_certificate = string
client_key = string
Module is maintained by Ilya Pozdnov.
Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.