An awesome list of things related to cohost.
cohost is a new social media platform built from the ground up by a small team of developers and designers who like sharing things on the internet.
- Bots
- Client customisation
- Post Generators
- API Libraries
- Automation & Tools
- Tutorials & Guides
- CSS Crimes & Similar
- Follow
- @coloroftheday - Bot that posts a new colour every day.
- @verge-ebooks - Tech news from a parallel universe.
- @gamemagprintads - Game history, one ad at a time.
- @randochrontendo - A random screenshot from the chronogaming project Chrontendo every 30 minutes.
- Skeuohost - Userstyle for Cohost.
- better comment userstyle - Better comment indent.
- Notification Names userscript - Add usernames to notifications.
- Mutant Standard emoji - Use the Mutant Standard emoji set on Cohost.
- view source userscript - A userscript that adds a "view source" button to posts.
- Notification Popover userscript - Adds a lil notification popover.
- Timeline Deduplicator - Deduplicate posts you've already seen on Cohost.
- Cohost97 userstyle - Styles cohost like the classic Microsoft operating system Windows 9(5?)(8?).
- Compact comments userstyle - Use small avatars and more compact spacing for comments in wide view.
- Backloggd formatter - Create pretty cohost posts of backloggd reviews.
- Cohoard - Format chatlogs for Cohost.
- prechoster - A graph-based HTML generator to make fancy chosting easier.
- markdown PLUS - An "alternative" to markdown for cohost which lets you use fucked-up text in your everyday posts.
- choll - Cholls are polls for your chosts.
- bugpoll - Polls directly on Cohost.
- Letterboxd generator - Create pretty cohost posts of Letterboxd reviews.
- Image grid generator - Create image grids for your cohost posts.
- Syntax highlighter - Create posts with source code syntax highlighting.
- Codehost - Generate syntax highlighted code blocks for cohost.
- Inline details generator - Generate inline disclosure elements that can be clicked to reveal extra content.
- eggbug-rs - A bot library for Cohost, providing an interface to create, read, edit, and delete posts.
- cohost.js - Unofficial API for Cohost.
- - A python library for Cohost.
- Twitter Crossposter - Tweet your new Cohost posts.
- screencap bot - A configurable bot for posting randomly-chosen screenshots and/or audio clips from a collection of TV series/movies/podcasts/etc, as used by @gundam-screencaps and @fatt-excerpts.
- Escape characters - How to post angle brackets and other special characters with escaping.
- Fixed backgrounds - How to use fixed backgrounds for CSS Crimes.
- CSS AJAX - Yes, CSS can do AJAX. Here's how.
- Custom 'Read More' - Create custom 'Read More' tags with CSS.
- Code syntax highlighting - Simple code syntax highlighting.
- css for css baby 1: stupid text tricks - So You Want To Know CSS.
- css for css baby 2: boxes and blocks and stuff - Part two of the series.
- rope machine - Interactable rope machine.
- puzzle box - Interactable puzzle box.
- GIF Plays GBC - Shared Game Boy Color gameplay in a post.
Who else should we be following!?
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