Find our project here:
Safe Travel
Andone Alexandu
Ciofalau Dragos Paul
The idea of this web application is to provide the consumers information about the covid-19 situation around the area they would like to visit, plus offer them other added benefits, such as a prediction of the weather conditions during the month they would like to travel, based on data from the past, and the possibility to check the chosen destination on the map and find flights and accommodation.
The purpose of our website is to make traveling more secure by providing relevant data about the current pandemic situation. We hope to achieve this goal by offering the possibility to check the number of confirmed cases in a day for each country the user searches for. The weather prediction serves as both a piece of information about the best time of the year to travel to a specific destination, as well as a factor that can show a potential increased health risk for those who are reliant on the weather conditions. The map helps in choosing a destination easier and providing information about it. As for the flight booking, we find it important to have access to such a feature in the context of our website.
-> vue.js
-> vuikit
-> uikit
-> axios
-> laue
-> v-calendar
-> vue2-datepicker
-> vue2-google-maps
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build