Echo State Networks (ESN) provide an architecture and supervised learning principle for more energy efficient recurrent neural networks (RNNs). This repository implements an ESN along with a variety of different online learning algorithms for temporal classification tasks.
The main idea is:
Drive a random, sparsely connected, fixed recurrent neural network with the input signal, thereby inducing in each neuron within this reservoir network a non-linear response signal.
Combine a desired output signal (labels) by a trainable parametric combination of all of these response signals.
You can see an example workflow for the Ti46 dataset in example.ipynb
The below figure outlines an example of classifying columnwise Mnist digits using a single linear output layer. This implementation can achieve upwards of 95% on columnwise Mnist when the ESN is combined with a two layer MLP.
This repository uses black
, mypy
and isort
for formatting the codebase.