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2E. Deleting Documents

Jon Clausen edited this page Dec 21, 2015 · 1 revision

If you've been following along through each step, it's time to clean up our test documents. The delete() function allows a boolean argument of "truncate" which defaults to FALSE. If you set this argument to true, without a loaded record or existing criteria, it will delete all documents from the collection. In this case, we're just going to delete our records one at a time, using our cursor:

var people = this.reset().findAll(true);

	//notice how we're using bracket notation for our _id value. This is necessary because calling peep._id on the cursor object will throw an error  

Optionally, you could delete all records matching a given criteria using a where() clause:

var noDoes = this.reset().where('last_name','Doe').delete();