- Install NPM (if needed)
- Run npm install to install dependencies
- Run npm start to start the server
How would you structure the html to make it more scalable? Think you would have an html renderer on the client or the server to generate the view.
How would you structure the css to make it more scalable? Apply a small change in the css that takes us to your proposal.
Do you have experience with BEM methodology?
The "hide" button hides and shows the list of tasks, additionally the button text changes according to its status.
The tasks have four options, go up, go down, done and delete.
The "New task" button must add a new task as the last item in the list. The entry "New task" must reset its content when adding a new task.
Develop simple task finder
Integrate an API call to get the tasks (https://wedding-vendors-api.onrender.com/vendors)
- Vanilla Js
- Good practices