Update 2016-04-06: Applied a hacky fix for 32-bit windows. I've realised that I need a more robust solution to handle slight differences in Windows 8 and 32-bit Windows... That will happen soon and will include full Windows 8 support. Until then, Win8 is not currently supported ( 8.1 is though). Contact me if you need more info.
A plugin for the Volatility Framework which aims to extract BitLocker Full Volume Encryption Keys (FVEK) from memory. Works on Windows 7 through to Windows 10.
This is very much a work-in-progress and support for Windows 8 - 10 is highly experimental.
Finds the FVEK on Windows 7 by searching for the FVEc pool tag.
Attempts to locate the FVEK on Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 by analysing memory after finding the Cngb pool tag.
Article here: https://tribalchicken.com.au/technical/recovering-bitlocker-keys-on-windows-8-1-and-10/
bitlocker.py is a plugin for the Volatility Framework. You can either place the plugin in the plugins directory at volatility/plugins
, or alternatively, you can place the plugin in a separate directory and point volatility to it with --plugins
For example, using a directory called "Plugins":
voldev$ ls plugins
voldev$ volatility --plugins=plugins/ --profile=Win81U1x64 -f WIN81X64-20160916-061911.raw bitlocker
Volatility doesn't know about the plugin. Check the location of the plugin, and run volatility --info
to determine if it is detected
There could be many causes.
- The drive is not bitlocker encrypted
- The memory image does not contain the key (Image captured after key is evicted from memory, overwritten during acquisition, etc)
- The key exists but the plugin doesn't find it.
If you suspect the plugin isn't working for you then I would love to know.