Status of:
- Clone from GitHub with
git clone [email protected]:jhburns/3GCI.git
- Go to, download the zip, and extract it
Then in the root directory of this site (/3GCI/) run
To open the website in your browser run
yarn fastball
and go to http://localhost:1313/ after the command is loaded
Because of node, there are multiple shortcuts used to automate the site. To use each of them type yarn [command]
, example: yarn make
watch: Automatically recompiles sass (*.scss files in .../scr/scss) so style can be developed quickly
start: Starts the hugo server, which automatically watches files and rebuilds after changes and severs the content.
fastball: Runs yarn (developer) once then launches hugo. Useful for quickly looking at the site
clean: A custom script that deletes all the generated files. wipe deletes everything, like all of the node modules, it is NOT recommended.
new /blog/[title].md: Makes a new blog post with the given title in /content/blog. Don't forget to add and commit it through git.
new-link [filename] and new-peep [filename] both make a new empty file from template in /data/link or /data/people respectively.
upload: after adding new blog, data, or an image, this is a shortcut to add it to git automatically.
thumbs: generates all the the thumbnails for each link. Useful for testing if a webpage generates a thumbnail well and runs before all build commands.
In config.toml edit the values under these lines:
Go to the /Documentation folder for full documentation
Created by Jonathan H. Burns for GCI Cybersecurity team.
Under the CC-BY-NC-SA-4.0 licence.
Version 1.1.1