- topic sheet id listed in main area
- locked is true if for internal evaluation only, false if meant to be public
- meta id is all lowercase and no spaces
- discover filenames are correct, with extension
- create filenames are correct, with extension
- craft filenames are correct, with extension
- discover title fits on one line
- create title fits on one line
- craft title fits on one line
- main svg exists: topics/[TOPIC ID]/[TOPIC ID].svg
- main svg is without burned in shadow - just straight artwork, at 4:3 resolution
- discover files exists: topics/[TOPIC ID]/discover/[FILENAME]
- create files exists: topics/[TOPIC ID]/create/[FILENAME]
- craft files exists: topics/[TOPIC ID]/craft/[FILENAME]
- social png exists: social/topics/[TOPIC ID].png
- social png is at 1200x900px, 72ppi.
https://bytes.jikids.org/unlock will show the locked topics as well
The starting point is the "manifest list" at this Google sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kugXziYFFDwiJmIxQ-T_8cckOc4qSfHoFw9KoM56Hvs/edit#gid=0
This sheet lists the topic manifest id's as well as top-level metadata (currently only lock
The listed topic sheet ids become the URL for each manifest on Google Drive. For example if the sheet id is 1B5qEuf4pXq0bhfRN7mDrR_opzUqArI7JYFq1NqF7hTg
it becomes https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1B5qEuf4pXq0bhfRN7mDrR_opzUqArI7JYFq1NqF7hTg/edit#gid=0
In each sheet there is a vertical divider. Everything to the left is very precise and becomes the actual data for the website. Everything to the right is just commentary and a free-for-all
Note: The sheets must be Published to work! In Google sheets it's File -> Publish to Web. Default settings are fine
Media is stored in dropbox. The manifest sometimes lists filenames that point to filenames in the respective dropbox folder. For example, Passover_Mashup.jpg
in the discover
topic of the moses
manifest will translate to live-media/topics/moses/discover/Passover_Mashup
in the Dropbox folder
Note that re-generating manifests as well as syncing all media changes to the live site both require running a manual command. It's a simple one-liner but does not happen automatically (currently only David is setup to do this - so ping him if it needs an update).
- Install prerequisites like cargo-make, and
npm install
cargo make dev
(and open browser to localhost:8081- Set LOCAL_CDN_DIR in .env to location on disk to CDN folder. e.g.
"D:\\Dropbox (Jewish Interactive)\\Ji Kids - Bytes - Media\\live-media"
(notice escaping the path)
- Make sure GOOGLE_API_KEY is set in .env (need one for google sheets)
- npm run generate-sync (well actually _manifest-generator, but this will sync too... see package.json for separate commands)
cargo make release
- Follow this guide: https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/github-actions/blob/master/example-workflows/cloud-run/README.md
Add these secrets:
- GOOGLE_CLOUD_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON_KEY - the base64 encoded json key. Literally, take the .json and paste it into a base64encoder somewhere
And the github actions will take care of the rest
The project is setup so that the Cloud Run build is stripped to the essentials and that unnecessary dirs are .gitignored
and CSS are installed/built outside of the Docker container, and then it's copied in.
Manual deployment handles all this in the single cargo make release
command (which then runs the various docker, npm commands) and automatic deployment handles all this in the github actions steps (which does the same thing - using actions to run proprietary commands)