Few hours ago Scotland Yard discovered the corpse of a scientific in his laboratory. We don’t know yet how he died but we have the suspicion that he has been murdered. The only clue that we got was an encrypted code that the scientific wrote few moments before he passed away. The wrote code is shown below:
In a later search done in his laboratory we discovered a block with an interesting information.
A ⍢⍙ N ⍙⍢ B ⍙⍢⍢⍢ O ⍙⍙⍙ C ⍙⍢⍙⍢ P ⍢⍙⍙⍢ D ⍙⍢⍢ Q ⍙⍙⍢⍙ E ⍢ R ⍢⍙⍢ F ⍢⍢⍙⍢ S ⍢⍢⍢ G ⍙⍙⍢ T ⍙ H ⍢⍢⍢⍢ U ⍢⍢⍙ I ⍢⍢ V ⍢⍢⍢⍙ J ⍢⍙⍙⍙ W ⍢⍙⍙ K ⍙⍢⍙ X ⍙⍢⍢⍙ L ⍢⍙⍢⍢ Y ⍙⍢⍙⍙ M ⍙⍙ Z ⍙⍙⍢⍢
During the next weeks our engineers are going to try to decipher manually the code, but we are not sure that we are going to have enough time specially if as it seems is a murder.
And that is the reason why we are contacting you. We have the great expectation that you can help us to decipher the code.
We need that you provide to us a REST API that will be able to cipher and decipher. We are going to be very picky with the quality/security of the code.
Also it’ll be interesting to know the time that your algorithm requires to resolve the problem.
In order to facilitate a little bit your work, Scotland Yard has developed during the last years, a vocabulary file, that contains all the possible word that a person uses in the last moment of his live. Feel free to use it in you code if you consider it necessary.
Do you want to help us?