This repo contains the project documents for my Devmountain Foundations capstone project, a contacts web app.
The planning documents are at
The project is running at
This is a contacts web app that supports an arbitrary number of phone numbers, email addresses, and physical addresses for each contact. Clicking on the phone data will launch a phone call, clicking on the email data will launch your email app, and clicking on the address data will launch Google maps. Each contact can also have a free-form note area which supports basic HTML for simple formatting. Contacts can be assigned to user-defined groups.
Front End - JavaScript, HTML, CSS, axios
Back End - NodeJS, express, sequelize, PostgreSQL
After cloning the repo, execute the following:
npm init -y
npm i express
npm i bcryptjs
npm i dotenv
npm i sequelize
npm i pg pg-hstore
The .env file should include
PORT - port for the server
DATABASE_URL - URI for the PostgreSQL database