Laravel Livewire Datatable is a dynamic datatable component for Laravel applications using the Livewire library. It allows you to create interactive datatables with features like sorting, filtering, pagination, and data exporting.
- Livewire version 3.0 or greater
- Laravel version 10 or greater
- Alpine js v3
To get started with Laravel Livewire Datatable, follow these steps:
- Install the package using Composer:
composer require joydeep-bhowmik/livewire-datatable
- Add this service providers in your /bootstrap/providers.php (Laravel 11 +)
// datatable service provider
- Publish the stylesheet :
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=joydeep-bhowmik-livewire-datatable-css
- Use the stylesheet :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('joydeep-bhowmik/livewire-datatable/css/data-table.css') }}">
namespace App\Livewire;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
use JoydeepBhowmik\LivewireDatatable\Datatable;
class Table extends Datatable
public $model = User::class;
public function table()
//table method must return an array
return [
// id field
/* you can also run custom query for sort
$query->orderBy('id', $direction);
// email field
/* you can also run custom query for search like
$query->where('email', 'like', '%' . $keyword . '%')
// created at
->label('Created At')
->value(function ($row) {
return Carbon::createFromTimeStamp(strtotime($row->created_at))->diffForHumans();
You can also give it a text value like
<livewire:table />
Sometime we need to use customer query in our datatable when using something like join
class Table extends Datatable
//dont use model when using builder
//public $model = Product::class;
public function builder()
return Product::leftJoin('stocks', 'stocks.product_id', '');
when using join u need modify your fields like this
public function table()
return [
->as('product_id')// this is optional add according to your query
->label('Stock Id')
->as('stock_id')// this is optional add according to your query
//add more here
// Example: Define filters
public function filters()
return [
//input type select
//this options are required for input type select
'' => 'Select',
'public' => 'Public',
'private' => 'private',
->query(function ($query, $value) {
->label('Stock id')
->placeholder('Enter text id')
->query(function ($query, $value) {
$query->where('', $value);
->value('some text') //optional
->label('In stock')
->query(function ($query, $value) {
$query->where('', $value);
//add other filters
Sometimes we need to delete some selected rows of data or performs mass action on them .
public $checkbox = true;
public $primaryKey = "id";
public function delete(){
foreach($this->ids as $id){
public function bulkActions()
return [
->action('delete')//this is a public method of your component
->confirm('Are u sure?')// optional,
if you need to hide all the search, filter etc button just add a public property $headers=false to the component class
class Table extends Datatable
public $headers=false;