This is a deployed app that allows you to create, read, update and delete notes in a database. It uses node.js, Express.js, REST API, npm, UUID, bootstrap, HTML, CSS, and javascript.
- ✅ GET /notes - returns /public/notes.html
- ✅ GET * - returns /public/index.html
- ✅ GET /api/notes - read db.json and return all saved notes as JSON
- ✅ GET /api/notes/:id - read db.json and return specific saved note
- ✅ POST /api/notes - receive new note to save on the request body, add to db.json, and return the new note to the client.
- ✅ DELETE /api/notes/:id - receives a query parameter with the id of a note to delete. First read all notes from db.json, remove the note with the given id property, and rewrite notes to db.json
- On the landing page, click the "Get Started" button.
- You will be redirected to the /notes page.
- Saved notes are shown in the left column.
- On the right, you can click on the title and text fields to type a new note.
- After you've entered a title and text, a save button will appear in the top-right corner.
- After you click the save button, the saved note will appear in the left column.
- You can click on any saved note on the left, and the title and text for that note will appear on the right.
- Click the '+' button in the top-right corner to write a new note.
- To delete a saved note, click the red delete button next to the note.
You can contribute here.
I used Insomnia for API testing.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.