transmitter and receiver code for remote controlling a paragliding winch forked from robertzach/ewinch_remote_controller
receiver uses PPM for driving the winch and (optinal) UART to read additional information (line length, battery %, dutycycle) VESC UART communication depends on
Line auto stop can be implemented within VESC with vesc_ppm_auto_stop.patch Default VESC app config is vesc_app_config.xml
Changed ESP32-Board to custom made with MH-ET-ESP32-Devkit and Heltec ESP32-Lora(v3). chandrawi/LoRaRF-lib for usage of SX126x modul on Heltec v3. Made new case for Heltec module, same size but different mount points. Moved software project to PLATFORMIO using VSCode for convenience work.
- rotary encoder in transmitter to adjust max. weight, default pull and transmitter id (push while switch on, then select and push to confirm)
- EEPROM function in transmitter to hold last "max. weight" value.
- rotary encoder in receiver used to pull manually (adjust force by turning, push stops immediately)
- wind direction from winch transmitting to cockpit display
- warning lamp if pull mode active
- cutting system