Matchers for clojure collections. This library is created to ease the pain of matching nested data structures.
A test like this written with clojure.test
(deftest my-test (is (= {:first-name "John" :last-name "Smith"} {:first-name "Johnny" :last-name "Smith"})))
will produce following output:
FAIL in (my-test) (form-init7375693162901327698.clj:1)
expected: (= {:first-name "John", :last-name "Smith"} {:first-name "Johnny", :last-name "Smith"})
actual: (not (= {:last-name "Smith", :first-name "John"} {:last-name "Smith", :first-name "Johnny"}))
With complex and possibly nested data structures it is hard to read what was actually wrong. With matcher like this
(deftest my-test-with-matcher (is (equal? {:first-name "John" :last-name "Smith"} {:first-name "Johnny" :last-name "Smith"})))
you get following output:
FAIL in (my-test-with-matcher) (form-init7128815568440584833.clj:1)
-- missing:
{:first-name "Johnny"}
++ unexpected:
{:first-name "John"}
expected: {:first-name "Johnny", :last-name "Smith"}
actual: {:last-name "Smith", :first-name "John"}
From the output it is easier to check what field was missing or what field had incorrect value.
Add the following to your project.clj
[clj-containment-matchers "1.0.1"]
(require [clj-containment-matchers.clojure-test :refer :all])
Check whether two items contain exactly the same values
(is (equal? actual expected)
(is (not-equal? actual expected)
Ignore some field from the match (e.g. timestamp)
(is (equal? {:name "John" :timestamp 219898989} {:name "John" :timestamp anything})
anything is a function that clj-containment-matchers provide but you can use any Clojure function like this:
(is (equal? {:name "John" :age 21} {:name "John" :age number?})
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