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first fetch & output from DNB/GND
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Patrick Schmelmer committed Aug 19, 2021
1 parent 77d1ccc commit d5726d8
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Showing 4 changed files with 259 additions and 50 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion extension.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "GNDShow",
"author": "Julian Hocker",
"author": "Julian Hocker, Patrick Schmelmer",
"version": "0.1",
"url": "",
"descriptionmsg": "desc",
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion i18n/de.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ "@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Julian Hocker"
"Julian Hocker",
"Patrick Schmelmer"
"desc": "Diese Extension erlaubt das Anzeigen von Informationen aus Wikidata",
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion i18n/en.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ "@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Julian Hocker"
"Julian Hocker",
"Patrick Schmelmer"
"desc": "This extension shows data from wikidata",
Expand Down
301 changes: 254 additions & 47 deletions src/GNDShowHooks.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,59 +1,266 @@

class GNDShowHooks {
// Register any render callbacks with the parser
public static function onParserFirstCallInit( Parser $parser ) {
use Wikidata\Wikidata; #
class GNDShowHooks
// Register any render callbacks with the parser
public static function onParserFirstCallInit(Parser $parser)

// Create a function hook associating the magic word with renderExample()
$parser->setFunctionHook( 'gndshow', [ self::class, 'gndshowlite' ] );
// Create a function hook associating the magic word with renderExample()
$parser->setFunctionHook('gndshow', [self::class, 'gndshowlite']);

public static function gndshowlite(Parser $parser, $param1 = '', $param2 = '')

function console_log($data)
echo '<script>';
echo 'console.log(' . json_encode($data) . ')';
echo '</script>';

public static function gndshowlite( Parser $parser, $param1 = '', $param2 = '') {
//Param1 represents the id of the value e.g. 245 for the title
//Param2 represents the id of the literature, e.g. 975877089
global $wgScriptPath;
global $wgServer;
$language = wfMessage( 'language')->plain();
$wikilanguage = $language ."wiki";
$title = $parser->getTitle()->getText();
$titleunderscores = $parser->getTitle()->getDBKey();
##get wikidatalink from actual page
if(empty($param2)){#if param2 is not set, take the wikidatalink from the actual page
$endpoint = "$wgServer$wgScriptPath/api.php";
$url = "$endpoint?action=ask&query=[[$titleunderscores]]|?Wikidata_ID|limit=5&format=json";
$json_data = file_get_contents($url);
$apiresponse = json_decode($json_data, true);
try {
if (empty($apiresponse['query']['results'][$title]['printouts']['GND ID'][0])){
throw new Exception("not defined");
}else {
$wikidataentry = $apiresponse['query']['results'][$title]['printouts']['GND ID'][0];#get wikidatalink from api
//catch exception
catch(Exception $e) {
return "No GND entry found";

global $wgScriptPath;
global $wgServer;

console_log("\$wgServer " . $wgServer);

$language = wfMessage('language')->plain();
$wikilanguage = $language . "wiki";
$title = $parser->getTitle()->getText();
$titleunderscores = $parser->getTitle()->getDBKey();
##get wikidatalink from actual page
if (empty($param2)) { #if param2 is not set, take the wikidatalink from the actual page

$endpoint = "$wgServer$wgScriptPath/api.php";
$url = "$endpoint?action=ask&query=[[$titleunderscores]]|?Wikidata_ID|limit=5&format=json";
$json_data = file_get_contents($url);
$apiresponse = json_decode($json_data, true);
try {
if (empty($apiresponse['query']['results'][$title]['printouts']['Wikidata ID'][0])) {
throw new Exception("not defined");
} else {
$gndentry = $param2;
$wikidataentry = $apiresponse['query']['results'][$title]['printouts']['Wikidata ID'][0]; #get wikidatalink from api
//catch exception
catch (Exception $e) {
return "No wikidata entry found";
} else {
$wikidataentry = $param2;

$result = "";
$url = urlencode("$gndentry/about/marcxml");
$xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
//$xml = str_replace('xmlns=', 'ns=', $xml); #hack to replace the namespace string with an empty string. Not nice!
//$query = $xml ->xpath("//datafield[@tag=$param1]/subfield[@code='a']");
$xml -> registerXPathNamespace('c', '');
$query = $xml ->xpath("//c:datafield[@tag='$param1']/c:subfield[@code='a']");
$wikidata = new Wikidata(); #init object to get info from wikidata
#check if we get valid information from wikidata
try {
if (empty($wikidata->get($wikidataentry, $language))) {
throw new Exception('not defined');
} else {
$entity = $wikidata->get($wikidataentry, $language); # get data for entitiy (with Q-number)
$properties = $entity->properties->toArray(); #convert data to array to make handling easier
} catch (Exception $e) {
return "wrong Wikidata ID";

$gnd = self::getData($properties, "P227");
if ($gnd == "not defined") {
return wfMessage('unknown')->plain();
} else {
list($result) = $query;
//while(list( , $node) = each($query)) {
// $result.= "$node Test \n";
// }
console_log("GND-ID: " . $gnd) . "\n";

// // $endpoint = "$wgServer$wgScriptPath/api.php";
// $endpoint = "$wgServer$wgScriptPath/api.php";

// $url = "$endpoint?action=ask&query=[[$titleunderscores]]|?Wikidata_ID|limit=5&format=json";

// $url = "$endpoint?action=parse&format=json&page=$titleunderscores&prop=externallinks";

// console_log("\$url: " . $url);

// $json_data = file_get_contents($url);
// console_log("json_data: " . $json_data);
// $apiresponse = json_decode($json_data, true);
// console_log("apiresponse: " . $apiresponse);

// // console_log("externallinks[2]: " . $apiresponse['parse']['externallinks'][2]);

// try {
// // if (empty($apiresponse['query']['results'][$title]['printouts']['GND-Seite'][0])){
// if (empty($apiresponse['parse']['externallinks'][2])){
// throw new Exception("not defined");
// }else {

// // $wikidataentry = $apiresponse['query']['results'][$title]['printouts']['GND ID'][0];#get wikidatalink from api
// // $gndentry = $apiresponse['query']['results'][$title]['printouts']['GND ID'][0];#get wikidatalink from api
// $gndentry = $apiresponse['parse']['externallinks'][2];#get wikidatalink from api
// }
// }
// //catch exception
// catch(Exception $e) {

// console_log("Exception \$e: " . $e);

// return "No GND entry found";
// }
// } else {
// $gndentry = $param2;
// }

// $result = "";
// $url = urlencode("$gndentry/about/marcxml");
// $xml = simplexml_load_file($url);
// //$xml = str_replace('xmlns=', 'ns=', $xml); #hack to replace the namespace string with an empty string. Not nice!
// //$query = $xml ->xpath("//datafield[@tag=$param1]/subfield[@code='a']");
// $xml -> registerXPathNamespace('c', '');
// $query = $xml ->xpath("//c:datafield[@tag='$param1']/c:subfield[@code='a']");
// if(empty($query)){
// $result="error";
// } else {
// list($result) = $query;
// //while(list( , $node) = each($query)) {
// // $result.= "$node Test \n";
// // }
// }
// //return $result;
// return "Hello World";

// Getting the DNB-IDN by GND-ID

$url1 = "$gnd&recordSchema=MARC21-xml";
// $url = "$gnd&recordSchema=MARC21-xml";
// $url = "$gnd&recordSchema=oai_dc";

$xml1 = simplexml_load_file($url1) or die("Can't connect to URL");

// separate controlfield with tag 001 --> DNB-IDN
foreach ($xml1->records->record->recordData->record->controlfield as $record) {
if (trim($record['tag'] == "001")) {
$idn = strval($record);
console_log("DNB-IDN: " . $idn);
// return $idn;

// Getting the Author-Data by DNB-IDN

$url2 = "$idn&recordSchema=oai_dc";

console_log("Get Author-Infos: " . $url2);

$xml2 = simplexml_load_file($url2) or die("Can't connect to URL");

// string to concat all entries
$string = "";

foreach ($xml2->records->record as $record) {

// if (trim($record['tag'] == "001")) {
// $idn = strval($record);
// console_log("DNB-IDN: " . $idn);
// return $idn;
// }

// print_r($record);
// console_log(strval($record));

// $namespaces = $record->getNamespaces(true);
// var_dump($namespaces);

$ns_dc = $record->recordData->dc->children('');


$string = $string . strval($ns_dc->date) . ": " . strval($ns_dc->title) . "\n";

return $string;

// $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0");
// $dom->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
// $dom->formatOutput = true;
// $dom->loadXML($xml->asXML());
// $domxml = $dom->saveXML();

// $result = simplexml_load_string($domxml) or die("Can't load XML string");

// console_log("result: " . $result);
// // return $result;

// $test = $xml->searchRetrieveResponse->records->record[0]->recordData->dc->children('dc', true)->identifier;
// console_log("test: " . $test);
// print_r($test);
// echo $test;
// return $test;

// // simplexml-testing
// echo $xml->records->record[0]->recordData->record->leader;

// console_log("hola again2");

// console_log("\$url: " . $url );

//$xml = str_replace('xmlns=', 'ns=', $xml); #hack to replace the namespace string with an empty string. Not nice!
//$query = $xml ->xpath("//datafield[@tag=$param1]/subfield[@code='a']");

// $xml -> registerXPathNamespace('c', '');
// $query = $xml ->xpath("//c:datafield[@tag='$param1']/c:subfield[@code='a']");
// if(empty($query)){
// $result="error";
// } else {
// list($result) = $query;
// //while(list( , $node) = each($query)) {
// // $result.= "$node Test \n";
// // }
// }

//return $result;
return "Hello World";
// return "Hello World";


public static function getData($properties = '', $pvalue = '')
{ #get data if p-value only has one value
try {
if (empty($properties[$pvalue]->values[0]->label)) {
throw new Exception("not defined");
} else {
return $properties[$pvalue]->values[0]->label;
//catch exception
catch (Exception $e) {
return $e->getMessage();

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