Warbler is a messaging and task management app that allows users to login and create messages for other users to like and comment.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
You should have node and npm installed before you run the project, run following commands to verify
node -v
npm -v
If they're not installed at this point, please refer to
- Node - Node.js® - a JavaScript runtime
Following commands will get you ready for development env running
npm install
npm install -g nodemon
Inside the Warbler-server, run
Also, get your local mongodb ready, and change the port number to whatever the port your mongodb is listenning at this file
Open a browser, warbler-server should be running on localhost:8081
Use httpie to test backend APIs
npm install -g httpie
Example for creating an user
http POST localhost:8081/api/auth/signup username=<your_username> password=<your_password> email=<your_email> "Authorization:Bearer <json web token is required here>"
Example for getting an user's information
http POST localhost:8081/api/auth/signin password=<your_password> email=<your_email>
Example for creating a message with an user id
http POST localhost:8081/api/users/:userid/messages "Authorization:Bearer <json web token is required here>" text="message must be in quote"
Example for reading a message with message id
http GET localhost:8081/api/users/:userid/messages/:message_id email=<user email> password=<password> </password> "Authorization:Bearer <json web token is required here>"
Example for updating a message with message id
http PUT locallhost:8081/api/users/:userid/messages/:message_id email=<user email> password=<password> </password> "Authorization:Bearer <json web token is required here>" text="message must be in quote"
Example for reading a message with message id
http DELETE localhost:8081/api/users/:userid/messages/:message_id email=<user email> password=<password> </password> "Authorization:Bearer <json web token is required here>"
Example for reading all mesage for specific user with an username
http GET localhost:8081/api/messages/<username> email=<user email> password=<password> "Authorization:Bear <your jwt token>"
Example for GET all message with an user id
http GET localshot:8081/api/users/:userid/messages
- Jay Wang - Initial work - jw6
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details