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An introductory WeBots Project with the end goal of creating a 3D simulation of swarm robots called flippys. Controller code for this project was written in C++. As of 05/03/2021, flippys are only capable of walking forward over any surfaces and are not implemented with rulesets. As such, there are no emergent behaviors.

Table of Contents

  1. Environment Setup
  2. How/What to Run
  3. File Structure
    1. ./controllers Directory
    2. ./plugins Directory
    3. ./script_inputs Directory
    4. ./script_outputs Directory
  4. Useful Resources
    1. Creating a Physics Plug-in with ODE
    2. Webots General Documentation
  5. Recommendations and Next Steps
  6. References

Environment Setup

TL;DR: Download Webots, Install a C/C++ Compiler for Webots and make sure you have Python v3+

The simulation is built off of Webots, which is an open source robot simulator similar to gazebo. It support various different programming languages such as C, C++, Python, Java, and Matlab, as well as frameworks like ROS. The code for this project that interfaces directly with Webots is written in C++. As such, you'll need to make sure you have a C/C++ compiler. Instructions can be found here.

Additional python scripts have also been created in order to make the process of creating WeBots simulations and worlds a bit more streamlined. Make sure you have some kind of Python version 3.

How/What to Run:

In Webots, one can choose to open and run flippy_sim.wbt. It contains a singular flippy in a rectangular pen. It is useful for testing individual flippy behavior. As of 05/03/2021, the flippy should simply just walk forward via alternatingly pivoting around its two main spheres.

If one wishes to run a simulation with multiple flippys one must first initialize a world with the desired number of flippys. To do this quickly, use the to automate the process. PROTOs cannot be used in this project because each flippy needs to have a unique ID and unique DEF to interface with the physics engine. As such, each flippy needs to be individually created. The script can be run directly from the command line with python To change the output of the script, one must change the code in the if __name__ == "__main__": statement in the script. Below is an example of how to configure the script.

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Create a swarm of flippys that is 4 wide, 1 tall, and 2 long
  dims = np.array([4, 1, 2])
  # The average spacing between the flippys will be 0.15m, 0.03m and 0.2m
  spacing = np.array((0.15, 0.03, 0.2))
  # The first flippy will be located at:
  offset = np.array([-0.15, 0.03, 0])

  # Create the location and rotation of each flippy in the swarm, including noise
  locs, rots = create_layout(dims, spacing, offset=offset)

  # Writes the flippys to the output .wbt file
  make_flippys(locs, rots, write_to_wbt=True, start_index=0)

If the argument write_to_wbt is set to True in the call to make_flippys(), a file called flippy_sim_autogenerated.wbt will be created in the ./worlds directory of the project. Simply open up that file in Webots to visualize the swarm.

If write_to_wbt is set to False, a file called flippys.txt will be created in the ./script_outputs directory of the project. The text in the file must be copied into the desired world file.

More information about using this script and creating a world can be found here.

File Structure

./controllers Directory

The ./controllers directory contains folders for each of the controller files. The main controller for this project can be found in flippy_controller.cpp. Changing this file is the key to modifying flippy behavior.

./plugins Directory

This contains folders for various custom physics plugin files. This project relies on a custom physics plugins which can be found in flippy_physics.cpp. For more information about custom physics plugins, checkout Webot's Documentation on physics plugins.

./protos Directory

This contains .proto files. These files are essentially wrappers for complex Webots objects. These files are used for specifying object parameters and architectures, giving the user a simplified set of parameters to interact with in the Webots UI. It substantially simplifies the feature tree of the project. More information about protos can be found here. This project does not use any .proto files. This is because of the way that Webot's physics plugins are implemented. Each flippy in a swarm must be its own unique robot with a unique ID and DEF. As such, .proto files will not work.

./script_inputs Directory

This contains template files for the script. There are two required files:

  • flippy_sim_template.wbt: This file is the base world file. It is required to create an autogenerated world.
  • flippy_template.proto: This file is the base flippy file. IT is required to create each flippy in the swarm.

./script_outputs Directory

This contains outputs from the script (if write_to_wbt=False). These files will be .txt's and will be properly formatted to be pasted directly into any .wbt file.

Useful Resources

Creating a Physics Plug-in with ODE

Webots General documentation


Recommendations and Next Steps

  • Implement flippy-to-flippy interactions: In order to do anything interesting, flippys need to be able to interact with each other. This means that they must be able to communicate with their nearest neighbors in some way. This can be accomplished by adding additional Reciever and Emitter objects to each flippy for the purposes of flippy-to-flippy communication.
  • Implement obstacle identification: The flippys need to know if an obstacle they hit is another flippy or just a static part of the environment.
  • Develop rules for right-of-way: In the case that two flippys are moving simultaneously and run into each other, one needs to become stationary until the other passes by. There must be a handshake of some kind between the flippys that determines which one of the two will have the right-of-way.
  • Improve flippy behavior when starting from a dead stop: As of 05/03/2021, if the flippy starts moving in a state where both of its spheres are touching the ground, the robot enters a state of rapid pivoting between nodes. This causes the simulation to slow to less than 1% of real time. There needs to be a system implemented that ignores successive touch-sensor inputs if they've occurred too recently to the last recorded input.
  • Add 2nd Degree of Freedom for the flippys: Currently the flippys can only actuate in one direction. In other words, they can only move in straight lines. For interesting behavior, and extra degree of freedom should be added so that flippys are able to steer themselves.



tryig to understand webots






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