Work-in-progress :)
Basically this is a GUI for the HP Client Management Library which sort-of pretends to be the BIOS of an HP computer. But, it's actually running within Windows. So you don't have to reboot, wait, press esc and/or F10, then wait, then get access to your BIOS.
Also, you'll be able to use this to manage the BIOS of a remote computer (if it's on). Pretty sick, yeah?
Way down in the backlog is trying to add a remote-turn-on feature which utilizes the built-in Wake-On-Lan feature (built into most enterprise-grade HPs).
Run the script (for now) in /src/HP-BRMT.ps1
- Eventually I'd like to add a runner/starter tool (script or .exe) in the main folder, but I want to build out the rest of the program first.