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WIP scaffolding for sqlite backend
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imalsogreg committed Oct 24, 2023
1 parent 2c4f387 commit 0e7d83c
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Showing 7 changed files with 321 additions and 222 deletions.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions pact-core.cabal
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,15 +27,19 @@ common pact-core-common
, containers
, data-default
, deepseq
, direct-sqlite
, directory
, exceptions
, filepath
, lens
, lifted-base
, monad-control
, mtl
, pact-time
, prettyprinter
, prettyprinter-ansi-terminal
, transformers
, transformers-base
, text
, vector
, vector-algorithms
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,6 +106,8 @@ library
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions pact-core/Pact/Core/Names.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,13 +42,15 @@ module Pact.Core.Names
, OverloadedName(..)
, FullyQualifiedName(..)
, TableName(..)
, tableName
, replRawModuleName
, replModuleName
, replModuleHash
, fqnToName
, fqnToQualName
, NativeName(..)
, RowKey(..)
, rowKey
, renderFullyQualName
, FQNameRef(..)
, fqName
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,6 +298,8 @@ instance Pretty NamedDeBruijn where
newtype TableName = TableName { _tableName :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

makeLenses ''TableName

instance Pretty TableName where
pretty (TableName tn) = pretty tn

Expand All @@ -318,6 +322,8 @@ newtype RowKey
= RowKey { _rowKey :: Text }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

makeLenses ''RowKey

data FQNameRef name where
FQParsed :: ParsedName -> FQNameRef ParsedName
FQName :: FullyQualifiedName -> FQNameRef Name
Expand Down
223 changes: 2 additions & 221 deletions pact-core/Pact/Core/Persistence.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,7 +21,6 @@ module Pact.Core.Persistence
, Purity(..)
, RowData(..)
, ExecutionMode(..)
, mockPactDb
, mdModuleName
, mdModuleHash
, readModule, writeModule
Expand All @@ -32,15 +31,14 @@ module Pact.Core.Persistence
, TxId(..)
, TxLog(..)
, dbOpDisallowed

) where

import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad(unless)
import Control.Exception(throwIO, Exception)
import Data.Maybe(isJust)
import Data.Text(Text)
import Data.Word(Word64)
import Data.IORef
import Data.Map.Strict(Map)

import Pact.Core.Type
Expand All @@ -52,7 +50,6 @@ import Pact.Core.PactValue
import Pact.Core.Pacts.Types
-- import Pact.Core.Errors

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Dynamic (Typeable)

-- | Modules as they are stored
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -234,219 +231,3 @@ instance Semigroup (Loaded b i) where
instance Monoid (Loaded b i) where
mempty = Loaded mempty mempty mempty

mockPactDb :: forall b i. IO (PactDb b i)
mockPactDb = do
refMod <- newIORef M.empty
refKs <- newIORef M.empty
refUsrTbl <- newIORef M.empty
refPacts <- newIORef M.empty
refRb <- newIORef Nothing
refTxLog <- newIORef mempty
refTxId <- newIORef 0
pure $ PactDb
{ _pdbPurity = PImpure
, _pdbRead = read' refKs refMod refUsrTbl refPacts
, _pdbWrite = write refKs refMod refUsrTbl refTxId refTxLog refPacts
, _pdbKeys = keys refKs refMod refUsrTbl refPacts
, _pdbCreateUserTable = createUsrTable refUsrTbl refTxLog
, _pdbBeginTx = beginTx refRb refTxId refTxLog refMod refKs refUsrTbl
, _pdbCommitTx = commitTx refRb refTxId refTxLog refMod refKs refUsrTbl
, _pdbRollbackTx = rollbackTx refRb refTxLog refMod refKs refUsrTbl
, _pdbTxIds = txIds refTxLog
, _pdbGetTxLog = txLog refTxLog
beginTx refRb refTxId refTxLog refMod refKs refUsrTbl em = do
readIORef refRb >>= \case
Just (_, _, _, _, _) -> pure Nothing
Nothing -> do
mods <- readIORef refMod
ks <- readIORef refKs
usrTbl <- readIORef refUsrTbl
txl <- readIORef refTxLog
writeIORef refRb (Just (em, txl, mods, ks, usrTbl))
tid <- readIORef refTxId
pure (Just (TxId tid))

commitTx refRb refTxId refTxLog refMod refKs refUsrTbl = readIORef refRb >>= \case
Just (em, txl, mods, ks, usr) -> case em of
Transactional -> do
writeIORef refRb Nothing
modifyIORef' refTxId (+ 1)
Local -> do
writeIORef refRb Nothing
writeIORef refMod mods
writeIORef refKs ks
writeIORef refUsrTbl usr
writeIORef refTxLog txl
Nothing ->
throwIO NoTxToCommit

rollbackTx refRb refTxLog refMod refKs refUsrTbl = readIORef refRb >>= \case
Just (_, txl, mods, ks, usr) -> do
writeIORef refRb Nothing
writeIORef refTxLog txl
writeIORef refMod mods
writeIORef refKs ks
writeIORef refUsrTbl usr
Nothing -> throwIO NoTxToCommit

txLog refTxLog tn tid = do
m <- readIORef refTxLog
case M.lookup tn m of
Just txids -> case M.lookup tid txids of
Just n -> pure n
Nothing -> throwIO (NoTxLog tn tid)
Nothing -> throwIO (NoTxLog tn tid)

txIds refTxLog tn txId = do
txl <- readIORef refTxLog
case M.lookup tn txl of
Just mtxl -> pure [ x | x <- M.keys mtxl, x >= txId ]
Nothing -> throwIO (NoSuchTable tn)

:: forall k v
. IORef (Map KeySetName FQKS)
-> IORef (Map ModuleName (ModuleData b i))
-> IORef (Map TableName (Map RowKey RowData))
-> IORef (Map PactId (Maybe PactExec))
-> Domain k v b i
-> IO [k]
keys refKs refMod refUsrTbl refPacts d = case d of
DKeySets -> do
r <- readIORef refKs
return (M.keys r)
DModules -> do
r <- readIORef refMod
return (M.keys r)
DUserTables tbl -> do
r <- readIORef refUsrTbl
case M.lookup tbl r of
Just t -> return (M.keys t)
Nothing -> throwIO (NoSuchTable tbl)
DPacts -> do
r <- readIORef refPacts
return (M.keys r)

:: IORef (Map TableName (Map RowKey RowData))
-> IORef (Map TableName (Map TxId [TxLog RowData]))
-> TableName
-> ModuleName
-> IO ()
createUsrTable refUsrTbl refTxLog tbl _ = do
ref <- readIORef refUsrTbl
case M.lookup tbl ref of
Nothing -> do
modifyIORef refTxLog (M.insert tbl mempty)
modifyIORef refUsrTbl (M.insert tbl mempty)
pure ()
Just _ -> throwIO (TableAlreadyExists tbl)

:: forall k v
. IORef (Map KeySetName FQKS)
-> IORef (Map ModuleName (ModuleData b i))
-> IORef (Map TableName (Map RowKey RowData))
-> IORef (Map PactId (Maybe PactExec))
-> Domain k v b i
-> k
-> IO (Maybe v)
read' refKs refMod refUsrTbl refPacts domain k = case domain of
DKeySets -> readKS refKs k
DModules -> readMod refMod k
DUserTables tbl ->
readRowData refUsrTbl tbl k
DPacts -> readPacts' refPacts k

checkTable tbl ref = do
r <- readIORef ref
unless (isJust (M.lookup tbl r)) $ throwIO (NoSuchTable tbl)

:: forall k v
. IORef (Map KeySetName FQKS)
-> IORef (Map ModuleName (ModuleData b i))
-> IORef (Map TableName (Map RowKey RowData))
-> IORef Word64
-> IORef (Map TableName (Map TxId [TxLog RowData]))
-> IORef (Map PactId (Maybe PactExec))
-> WriteType
-> Domain k v b i
-> k
-> v
-> IO ()
write refKs refMod refUsrTbl refTxId refTxLog refPacts wt domain k v = case domain of
DKeySets -> writeKS refKs k v
DModules -> writeMod refMod v
DUserTables tbl -> writeRowData refUsrTbl refTxId refTxLog tbl wt k v
DPacts -> writePacts' refPacts k v

readRowData ref tbl k = do
checkTable tbl ref
r <- readIORef ref
pure (r ^? ix tbl . ix k)

:: IORef Word64
-> IORef (Map TableName (Map TxId [TxLog RowData]))
-> TableName
-> RowKey
-> RowData
-> IO ()
writeToTxLog refTxId refTxLog tbl k rdata = do
tid <- readIORef refTxId
let entry = M.singleton (TxId tid) [TxLog (_tableName tbl) (_rowKey k) rdata]
modifyIORef' refTxLog (M.insertWith (M.unionWith (<>)) tbl entry)

:: IORef (Map TableName (Map RowKey RowData))
-> IORef Word64
-> IORef (Map TableName (Map TxId [TxLog RowData]))
-> TableName
-> WriteType
-> RowKey
-> RowData
-> IO ()
writeRowData ref refTxId refTxLog tbl wt k v = checkTable tbl ref *> case wt of
Write -> do
writeToTxLog refTxId refTxLog tbl k v
modifyIORef' ref (M.insertWith M.union tbl (M.singleton k v))
Insert -> do
r <- readIORef ref
case M.lookup tbl r >>= M.lookup k of
Just _ -> throwIO WriteException
Nothing -> do
writeToTxLog refTxId refTxLog tbl k v
modifyIORef' ref (M.insertWith M.union tbl (M.singleton k v))
Update -> do
r <- readIORef ref
case M.lookup tbl r >>= M.lookup k of
Just (RowData m) -> do
let (RowData v') = v
nrd = RowData (M.union v' m)
writeToTxLog refTxId refTxLog tbl k nrd
modifyIORef' ref (M.insertWith M.union tbl (M.singleton k nrd))
Nothing -> throwIO WriteException

readKS ref ksn = do
m <- readIORef ref
pure (M.lookup ksn m)

writeKS ref ksn ks = modifyIORef' ref (M.insert ksn ks)

readMod ref mn = do
m <- readIORef ref
pure (M.lookup mn m)

writeMod ref md = let
mname = view mdModuleName md
in modifyIORef' ref (M.insert mname md)

readPacts' ref pid = do
m <- readIORef ref
pure (M.lookup pid m)

writePacts' ref pid pe = modifyIORef' ref (M.insert pid pe)

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