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[Docs] Improve docs for UnsafeBoundsCheckedBufferPointer
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karwa committed Feb 3, 2024
1 parent f9135f9 commit f4a66a7
Showing 1 changed file with 143 additions and 47 deletions.
190 changes: 143 additions & 47 deletions Sources/WebURL/Util/Pointers.swift
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Expand Up @@ -150,78 +150,175 @@ extension UnsafeBufferPointer {

/// A re-imagined contiguous buffer type, which attempts to protect against buffer over-reads in release builds with a negligible performance hit, and in some
/// cases even an overall performance _improvement_ over the standard library's `UnsafeBufferPointer`.
// Note: This documentation is intended to be very thorough, because I assume that anybody who sees a library
// which includes its own buffer-pointer type is (rightly) going to be sceptical.
// I would be sceptical, too.

/// A re-imagined contiguous buffer type, which introduces bounds-checking to protect against buffer over-reads
/// even in release builds. The implementation is carefully tuned to allow the compiler to eliminate bounds checks
/// and other overheads more easily.
/// The idea behind this type is that we represent a buffer as a base pointer and (unsigned) size.
/// The indexes are also unsigned integers, although the buffer's size is limited to `Int.max`.
/// This gives us a couple of benefits:
/// 1. It is impossible to address locations before the base pointer.
/// In order to bounds-check a read at some index `i`, we only need to check that `i < endIndex`.
/// 2. We can easily convert between signed and unsigned integers for arithmetic using `(U)Int(bitPattern:)`.
/// The bit-pattern of a negative `Int` will be interpreted as a `UInt` whose magnitude is `> Int.max`,
/// so it will automatically be an invalid index.
/// The type is also self-slicing (for code size in both respects - to limit the amount of code that needs to be audited
/// by humans, and the number of generic specialisations that get generated by the compiler).
/// Slices are really interesting because they are used _a lot_ in complex Collection algorithms,
/// and could complicate our approach to bounds-checking. There's a whole sub-section about this, but essentially:
/// 1. Slices keep the same base pointer as the parent.
/// 2. Since only the upper-bound (the slice's `endIndex`) is used to ensure memory safety,
/// that's the only part we check in release builds. It must always be `<=` to the parent's `endIndex`,
/// so the maximum addressable offset from the base pointer can only go down (or stay the same).
/// 3. This means that we can keep our simplified `i < endIndex` bounds-check, even for slices.
/// The idea behind this type is that we start with a buffer, in the form of a base pointer and (unsigned) size, `buffer_size`.
/// The indices, which are offsets from the pointer, are also unsigned integers; meaning they can never be negative, and bounds-checking can be simplified
/// to `index < buffer_size`.
/// The type is self-slicing, and the only rule to check that a slice's bounds are safe is that the maximum addressable offset must never increase over the slice's base.
/// Since indices are unsigned, all offsets up to the maximum addressable offset are within the bounds of the original buffer, and hence safe to access.
/// ## What don't we need to do?
/// The thing to remember is that we're not under any obligation to detect misuses of the `Collection` protocol.
/// If you have a buffer of 10 elements, and you increment its `startIndex` 1000 times, it may trigger a runtime error, or it may well return a garbage result index.
/// And if you take that garbage result and pass it in to `distance(from: Index, to: Index)`, it may also trigger a runtime error - or it may not;
/// it's perfectly valid for it to return a garbage number of elements instead. And garbage means garbage - for any reason - it doesn't matter if your index is beyond
/// the bounds of the collection, or if the calculation overflows; it's all equally garbage and you shouldn't expect a meaningful result.
/// You may, by some happy accident, land at a valid index, but you also might not, and nobody is under any obligation to trigger a runtime error along the way.
/// It isn't just unsafe types that are free from this obligation, either; even `Array` - the paragon of safe `Collection`s in Swift - won't trigger runtime errors
/// for many misuses of the `Collection` protocol. You have a 10-element `Array`? Want to increment its `startIndex` by 1000? No problem.
/// How about decrementing it by 1000? Also not a problem. Seriously, try it. I'm not lying:
/// This type is designed to provide speed _and_ safety, so it's useful to know what we can get away with
/// without violating memory safety.
/// The most important thing is that we're not obliged to detect _misuses_ of the `Collection` protocol.
/// For instance, let's say you have a buffer of 10 elements, and you increment its `startIndex` 1000 times,
/// what is the result?
/// Actually, it's not specified: it _may_ trigger a `fatalError` at runtime, or it _may_ return a garbage index,
/// or it _may_ automatically limit itself to `endIndex`, or wrap around to `startIndex` again.
/// And if you take that unspecified result and pass it in to, say, `distance(from: Index, to: Index)`,
/// it's also not specified what that will do, either - it might `fatalError`, or it might not; it might return a garbage
/// value, or maybe it always returns 0, etc. It's not specified, is the point.
/// And it's worth pointing out explicitly that "garbage" means garbage for any reason.
/// It's perfectly fine if `distance(from: Index, to: Index)` overflows with invalid indexes, for instance.
/// There is no obligation to `fatalError`.
/// None of this is at odds with the idea of memory safety because, crucially, these operations _do not access memory_.
/// This isn't just a property of unsafe types, either; even `Array` - the paragon of safe `Collection`s in Swift -
/// won't trigger runtime errors for many misuses of the `Collection` protocol, and will happily return "garbage"
/// indexes outside the bounds of the array.
/// You have a 10-element `Array`? Want to increment its `startIndex` by 1000? No problem.
/// How about decrementing `startIndex` by 1000? Also fine.
/// ```swift
/// let arr = Array(10..<20)
/// arr.index(arr.startIndex, offsetBy: 1000) // Returns 1000. No runtime error.
/// arr.index(arr.startIndex, offsetBy: -1000) // Returns -1000. No runtime error.
/// ```
/// This is really important. It means that we can provide the bare minimum bounds-checking needed for memory safety with very few actual checks,
/// many of which can be relatively simple for the compiler to prove away, providing we express them in the right way.
/// Again, there's no problem with any of that (from a memory safety perspective),
/// because these operations _do not access memory_.
/// ## Slicing
/// Bounds-checking in slices is particularly interesting, because we really want to keep the simplified `index < buffer_size` bounds check.
/// But while the first buffer starts with indices `0..<buffer_size`, slices (and slices of slices) can have a non-zero offset from the start of the buffer.
/// So just checking `index < buffer_size` is not enough to say that an index is within the _slice's_ bounds.
/// But we can get around this in a bit of cheeky way: by just allowing certain reads outside of the slice's bounds 😅. I know, it sounds wrong, but actually - is it?
/// Again, we're trying to do the bare minimum to guarantee we never over-read the original buffer - as long as that is true, we don't _really_ care about
/// the slice's bounds. The slice bounds are mostly only needed for `Collection` semantics, (e.g. that `startIndex` and `count` return correct values),
/// and reads from other, invalid indexes are not _required_ to always trigger a runtime error. As mentioned above, as long as we always check that slices
/// (and slices of slices) never increase the maximum addressable offset, we can guarantee not to over-read the buffer just by checking the slice's upper bound.
/// Bounds-checking in slices is interesting, because we want to keep the simple `i < endIndex` bounds check.
/// But while the original buffer starts with indexes `0..<size`, slices can have a non-zero offset
/// from the start of their parent, so just checking `i < size` is not enough to say that an index
/// is within the slice's bounds.
/// But we can get around this in a bit of cheeky way: by just allowing certain reads outside of the slice's bounds 😅.
/// Remember what we said about Collection semantics -- we don't _strictly_ care that you only access indexes
/// within the slice's bounds, we only care that you only access locations within the original buffer's bounds.
/// As it turns out, slice bounds are a Collection concept, and enforcing them is not necessary for memory safety.
/// So what we do is:
/// To illustrate: if the slice bounds are `4..<10`, and you want to read from offset `2`, that's not actually a memory-safety issue.
/// We know that offset `2` is within the buffer; we don't need to fail in that situation. But if you try to read from offset `11` - well, we don't know that the buffer
/// extends that far, so we do need to fail in order to preserve memory-safety.
/// 1. We keep the base pointer of the original buffer.
/// 2. We store the range of the slice -- we still need to _know_ its bounds for it to, y'know, be a slice.
/// 3. When creating a slice, it turns out that we only need to check the `upperBound` of the slice,
/// to ensure the maximum addressable offset never grows - only shrinks or stays the same.
/// This is true even if the range is invalid (i.e. `lowerBound > upperBound`).
/// 4. This means we can keep our simple `i < endIndex` bounds check in release mode.
/// We allow reads outside of the slice, but never outside of the buffer it belongs to.
/// Here's that visually:
/// ```
/// ┌────────────────────────────┐
/// │ │ - original buffer
/// └────────────────────────────┘
/// 0 | | x
/// | |
/// ┌──────────────────┐
/// │ │ - bounds of the slice
/// └──────────────────┘
/// ┌───────────────────────┐
/// │░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░│ - will not trap for accesses in this region
/// └───────────────────────┘
/// 0 y
/// ```
/// To give a concrete example: let's say the original buffer has a length of `20`, and the slice bounds are `4..<10`,
/// there will not be a `fatalError` in release builds if you try to access index `2`, because we still know
/// it is within bounds of the original buffer, so it is not a memory-safety issue.
/// That doesn't mean it isn't a bug - it is, and we _will_ still trap in debug builds
/// because you're doing something incorrect, but it's not undefined behaviour.
/// A related problem is an invalid `Range` - i.e. situations where `range.lowerBound > range.upperBound`.
/// As long as we always check that successive slices never increase their `upperBound` over their base,
/// it will always be valid, and so for the most part we don't need to check that the range is properly formed,
/// or even that `lowerBound` is in-bounds (!).
/// That's because, again, it doesn't actually access memory. So long as that bounds check on actual accesses holds,
/// nothing else really matters. It's important for `upperBound` to be valid to ensure that, but that's all.
/// I said "for the most part", because there are two exceptions:
/// - `withContiguousStorageIfAvailable`
/// - `_copyContents(initializing:)`
/// In both of these cases, we perform "bulk access" to the entire slice or return an unchecked UBP pointer over it,
/// so we need to check both ends of its bounds.
/// A related problem is invalid `Range`s; i.e. situations where `range.lowerBound > range.upperBound`. It turns out that, again, as long as we always
/// check that successive slices never increase the `upperBound` over their base (only decrease the addressable buffer or stay the same), we don't need
/// to check that the range is properly formed, or even that `startIndex` is in-bounds (until we try to access from it, of course).
/// ## A delicate balance
/// This is a delicate balance, for sure. It definitely does **not** protect against logic bugs which can happen by invoking behaviour unspecified by `Collection`
/// (e.g. reading from an invalid index), but it does provide effective protection against reading outside the bounds of a buffer of memory,
/// and hence provides meaningful safety guarantees beyond what `UnsafeBufferPointer` provides (which is nothing; no meaningful checks whatsoever).
/// Moreover (and perhaps most importantly), it does so with a negligible impact on performance. In the "AverageURLs" benchmark, I've seen the performance
/// difference when switching from UBP to this type range from about -5% (~ 32.2ms to 33.8ms) to about +8% (~32.2ms vs 29.7ms). My guess is that the use of
/// unsigned integers helps the compiler avoid some runtime checks when constructing `Range` literals, which are frequently used in generic `Collection` code.
/// This is a delicate balance, for sure. It's important to remember the goal of this type -
/// to do the utter bare minimum required for memory safety (in release builds).
/// It does **not** protect against logic bugs which can happen if you misuse the `Collection` protocol
/// (e.g. invalid indexing operations, and sometimes even reading from an invalid location),
/// so if you get a problem in a release build, it may be more difficult to debug.
/// But those kinds of bugs should at least be deterministic.
/// In debug builds, more thorough checks are enabled, so you can more easily spot where the unexpected behaviour
/// happened.
/// But overall it's kind of margin-of-error-ish stuff, which is a great result considering the added memory-safety. By comparison, a type which adds
/// naive bounds-checking (including being strict about slice lower bounds) on an unsafe buffer with `Int` indexes, comes with a 20-25% performance hit.
/// ## Great! So, why is this still called 'Unsafe'?
/// Bounds-checking alone isn't enough for memory safety. In particular, this type:
/// 1. Doesn't guarantee the lifetime of the underlying memory. It's still a pointer underneath, after all.
/// 2. Doesn't guarantee that the buffer has been fully initialized. You're supposed to do that before you create this view over the buffer.
/// 1. Doesn't guarantee the lifetime of the underlying memory.
/// It's still a pointer underneath, after all.
/// 2. Doesn't guarantee that the buffer has been fully initialized.
/// You're supposed to do that before you create this view over the buffer.
/// So it's still unsafe, but the situations where unsafe, undefined behaviour could be invoked are easier to spot, even in complex `Collection` algorithms.
/// So it's still unsafe, but the situations where unsafe, undefined behaviour could be invoked are easier to spot,
/// even in complex `Collection` algorithms.
internal struct UnsafeBoundsCheckedBufferPointer<Element> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,9 +405,8 @@ extension UnsafeBoundsCheckedBufferPointer: RandomAccessCollection {

internal var isEmpty: Bool {
// We don't expect startIndex to regularly be greater than endIndex, but by writing it this way
// (rather than startIndex != endIndex), we communicate that !isEmpty is a synonym for startIndex < endIndex.
// This can help eliminate some bounds checks.
// We don't actually expect startIndex to be greater than endIndex, but by writing it this way
// rather than `startIndex != endIndex`, we communicate that `!isEmpty` means `startIndex < endIndex`.
startIndex >= endIndex

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,7 +482,7 @@ extension UnsafeBoundsCheckedBufferPointer: RandomAccessCollection {
_ body: (UnsafeBufferPointer<Element>) throws -> R
) rethrows -> R? {
// Watch out!
// - 'guard startIndex < endIndex' is effectively a bounds-check for 'startIndex'.
// - 'startIndex < endIndex' is effectively a bounds-check for 'startIndex'.
// We otherwise don't check the collection's lower bound.
// - This must be a single statement, otherwise the compiler may not recognize that this
// never returns 'nil', and might not eliminate the non-contiguous branch in generic algorithms.
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