Simple yet convenient Neovim plugin for tabbing in and out of brackets, parentheses, quotes, and more.
Unlike other similar plugins that tabout out of treesitter
uses simple logic to move in and out of pairs or
find the next best matching pair.
This approach ensures a consistent behavior regardless of the file type
or the state of the parsed treesitter
This plugin doesn't aim to replace existing similar plugins. Instead, it offers a different, less fancy but more predictable and consistent method for tabbing out of pairs.
event = "InsertEnter",
opts = {
-- configuration goes here
To see full configuration types check types.lua
tabkey = "<Tab>",
act_as_tab = true,
behavior = "nested", ---@type ntab.behavior
pairs = { ---@type ntab.pair[]
{ open = "(", close = ")" },
{ open = "[", close = "]" },
{ open = "{", close = "}" },
{ open = "'", close = "'" },
{ open = '"', close = '"' },
{ open = "`", close = "`" },
{ open = "<", close = ">" },
exclude = {},
smart_punctuators = {
enabled = false,
semicolon = {
enabled = false,
ft = { "cs", "c", "cpp", "java" },
escape = {
enabled = false,
triggers = {}, ---@type table<string, ntab.trigger>
the key that triggers the tabout
to not bind to any key, set it to ""
tabkey = "<Tab>",
fallback to tab, if tabout
action is not available
act_as_tab = true,
prioritize valid nested pairs first
prioritize closing pair first
ignore these filetypes for tabout
exclude = {},
intellij like behavior for semicolons
semicolon = {
enabled = false,
ft = { "cs", "c", "cpp", "java" },
escapes pairs with specified punctuators
configuration from demo.mp4
escape = {
enabled = true,
triggers = { ---@type table<string, ntab.trigger>
["+"] = {
pairs = {
{ open = '"', close = '"' },
-- string.format(format, typed_char)
format = " %s ", -- " + "
ft = { "java" },
[","] = {
pairs = {
{ open = "'", close = "'" },
{ open = '"', close = '"' },
format = "%s ", -- ", "
["="] = {
pairs = {
{ open = "(", close = ")" },
ft = { "javascript", "typescript" },
format = " %s> ", -- ` => `
-- string.match(text_between_pairs, cond)
cond = "^$", -- match only pairs with empty content
When the ft
is defined, the corresponding trigger will apply to the specified
file types. Otherwise, it will be effective no matter the file type.
There is a high chance neotab.nvim won't work out of the box, because of other plugins/config overriding the tabkey keymap.
To help you find the location that overrides the tabkey you can use
:verbose imap <Tab>
Mode | plug | action |
i | <Plug>(neotab-out) |
tabout |
i | <Plug>(neotab-out-luasnip) |
(experimental) tabout before luasnip |
set tabkey to
as a fallback to luasnip
build = "make install_jsregexp",
dependencies = { "neotab.nvim", },
keys = {
return require("luasnip").jumpable(1) --
and "<Plug>luasnip-jump-next"
or "<Plug>(neotab-out)"
expr = true,
silent = true,
mode = "i",
set tabkey to
as a fallback to both nvim-cmp and luasnip
local cmp = require("cmp")
local luasnip = require("luasnip")
local neotab = require("neotab")
["<Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(function()
if cmp.visible() then
elseif luasnip.jumpable(1) then