Subtype microbial whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data using SNV targeting k-mer subtyping schemes.
Includes 33 bp k-mer SNV subtyping schemes for Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Heidelberg and Enteritidis genomes developed by Genevieve Labbe et al.
Works on genome assemblies (FASTA files) or reads (FASTQ files)! Accepts Gzipped FASTA/FASTQ files as input!
If you find the biohansel
tool useful, please cite as:
A robust genotyping scheme for Salmonella enterica serovar Heidelberg clones circulating in North America. Geneviève Labbé, James Robertson, Peter Kruczkiewicz, Marisa Rankin, Matthew Gopez, Chad R. Laing, Philip Mabon, Kim Ziebell, Aleisha R. Reimer, Lorelee Tschetter, Gary Van Domselaar, Sadjia Bekal, Kimberley A. MacDonald, Linda Hoang, Linda Chui, Danielle Daignault, Durda Slavic, Frank Pollari, E. Jane Parmley, Elissa Giang, Lok Kan Lee, Jonathan Moffat, Joanne MacKinnon, Roger Johnson, John H.E. Nash. [Manuscript in preparation]
Each new build of biohansel
is automatically tested on Linux using Continuous Integration. biohansel
has been confirmed to work on Mac OSX (versions 10.13.5 Beta and 10.12.6) when installed with Conda.
These are the dependencies required for biohansel
- Python (>=v3.6)
- numpy >=1.12.1
- pandas >=0.20.1
- pyahocorasick >=1.1.6
- attrs
With Conda
Install biohansel
from Bioconda with Conda (Conda installation instructions):
# setup Conda channels for Bioconda and Conda-Forge (
conda config --add channels defaults
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --add channels bioconda
# install biohansel
conda install bio_hansel
Install biohansel
from PyPI with pip:
pip install bio_hansel
With pip from Github
Or install the latest master branch version directly from Github:
pip install git+
Install into Galaxy (version >= 17.01)
Install biohansel
from the main Galaxy toolshed:
If you run hansel -h
, you should see the following usage statement:
usage: hansel [-h] [-s SCHEME] [--scheme-name SCHEME_NAME] [-p forward_reads reverse_reads] [-i fasta_path genome_name] [-D INPUT_DIRECTORY] [-o OUTPUT_SUMMARY] [-O OUTPUT_TILE_RESULTS] [-S OUTPUT_SIMPLE_SUMMARY] [--force] [--json] [--min-kmer-freq MIN_KMER_FREQ] [--max-kmer-freq MAX_KMER_FREQ] [--low-cov-depth-freq LOW_COV_DEPTH_FREQ] [--max-missing-tiles MAX_MISSING_TILES] [--min-ambiguous-tiles MIN_AMBIGUOUS_TILES] [--low-cov-warning LOW_COV_WARNING] [--max-intermediate-tiles MAX_INTERMEDIATE_TILES] [-t THREADS] [-v] [-V] [F [F ...]] Subtype microbial genomes using SNV targeting k-mer subtyping schemes. Includes schemes for Salmonella enterica spp. enterica serovar Heidelberg and Enteritidis subtyping. Developed by Geneviève Labbé, James Robertson, Peter Kruczkiewicz, Marisa Rankin, Matthew Gopez, Chad R. Laing, Philip Mabon, Kim Ziebell, Aleisha R. Reimer, Lorelee Tschetter, Gary Van Domselaar, Sadjia Bekal, Kimberley A. MacDonald, Linda Hoang, Linda Chui, Danielle Daignault, Durda Slavic, Frank Pollari, E. Jane Parmley, Philip Mabon, Elissa Giang, Lok Kan Lee, Jonathan Moffat, Marisa Rankin, Joanne MacKinnon, Roger Johnson, John H.E. Nash. positional arguments: F Input genome FASTA/FASTQ files (can be Gzipped) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -s SCHEME, --scheme SCHEME Scheme to use for subtyping (built-in: "heidelberg", "enteritidis"; OR user-specified: /path/to/user/scheme) --scheme-name SCHEME_NAME Custom user-specified SNP substyping scheme name -p forward_reads reverse_reads, --paired-reads forward_reads reverse_reads FASTQ paired-end reads -i fasta_path genome_name, --input-fasta-genome-name fasta_path genome_name fasta file path to genome name pair -D INPUT_DIRECTORY, --input-directory INPUT_DIRECTORY directory of input fasta files (.fasta|.fa|.fna) or FASTQ files (paired FASTQ should have same basename with "_\d\.(fastq|fq)" postfix to be automatically paired) (files can be Gzipped) -o OUTPUT_SUMMARY, --output-summary OUTPUT_SUMMARY Subtyping summary output path (tab-delimited) -O OUTPUT_TILE_RESULTS, --output-tile-results OUTPUT_TILE_RESULTS Subtyping tile matching output path (tab-delimited) -S OUTPUT_SIMPLE_SUMMARY, --output-simple-summary OUTPUT_SIMPLE_SUMMARY Subtyping simple summary output path --force Force existing output files to be overwritten --json Output JSON representation of output files --min-kmer-freq MIN_KMER_FREQ Min k-mer freq/coverage --max-kmer-freq MAX_KMER_FREQ Max k-mer freq/coverage --low-cov-depth-freq LOW_COV_DEPTH_FREQ Frequencies below this coverage are considered low coverage --max-missing-tiles MAX_MISSING_TILES Decimal proportion of maximum allowable missing tiles before being considered an error. (0.0 - 1.0) --min-ambiguous-tiles MIN_AMBIGUOUS_TILES Minimum number of missing tiles to be considered an ambiguous result --low-cov-warning LOW_COV_WARNING Overall tile coverage below this value will trigger a low coverage warning --max-intermediate-tiles MAX_INTERMEDIATE_TILES Decimal proportion of maximum allowable missing tiles to be considered an intermediate subtype. (0.0 - 1.0) -t THREADS, --threads THREADS Number of parallel threads to run analysis (default=1) -v, --verbose Logging verbosity level (-v == show warnings; -vvv == show debug info) -V, --version show program's version number and exit
hansel -s heidelberg -vv -o -O /path/to/SRR1002850.fasta
Contents of
sample scheme subtype all_subtypes tiles_matching_subtype are_subtypes_consistent inconsistent_subtypes n_tiles_matching_all n_tiles_matching_all_total n_tiles_matching_positive n_tiles_matching_positive_total n_tiles_matching_subtype n_tiles_matching_subtype_total file_path SRR1002850 heidelberg 2; 2.2; 2.2.2;;; 1037658-; 2154958-; 3785187- True 202 202 17 17 3 3 SRR1002850.fasta
Contents of
tilename stitle pident length mismatch gapopen qstart qend sstart send evalue bitscore qlen slen seq coverage is_trunc refposition subtype is_pos_tile sample file_path scheme 775920- NODE_2_length_512016_cov_46.4737_ID_3 100.0 33 0 0 1 33 474875 474907 2.0000000000000002e-11 62.1 33 512016 GTTCAGGTGCTACCGAGGATCGTTTTTGGTGCG 1.0 False 775920 True SRR1002850 SRR1002850.fasta heidelberg negative3305400- NODE_3_length_427905_cov_48.1477_ID_5 100.0 33 0 0 1 33 276235 276267 2.0000000000000002e-11 62.1 33 427905 CATCGTGAAGCAGAACAGACGCGCATTCTTGCT 1.0 False negative3305400 False SRR1002850 SRR1002850.fasta heidelberg negative3200083-2.1 NODE_3_length_427905_cov_48.1477_ID_5 100.0 33 0 0 1 33 170918 170950 2.0000000000000002e-11 62.1 33 427905 ACCCGGTCTACCGCAAAATGGAAAGCGATATGC 1.0 False negative3200083 2.1 False SRR1002850 SRR1002850.fasta heidelberg negative3204925- NODE_3_length_427905_cov_48.1477_ID_5 100.0 33 0 0 1 33 175760 175792 2.0000000000000002e-11 62.1 33 427905 CTCGCTGGCAAGCAGTGCGGGTACTATCGGCGG 1.0 False negative3204925 False SRR1002850 SRR1002850.fasta heidelberg negative3230678- NODE_3_length_427905_cov_48.1477_ID_5 100.0 33 0 0 1 33 201513 201545 2.0000000000000002e-11 62.1 33 427905 AGCGGTGCGCCAAACCACCCGGAATGATGAGTG 1.0 False negative3230678 False SRR1002850 SRR1002850.fasta heidelberg negative3233869- NODE_3_length_427905_cov_48.1477_ID_5 100.0 33 0 0 1 33 204704 204736 2.0000000000000002e-11 62.1 33 427905 CAGCGCTGGTATGTGGCTGCACCATCGTCATTA 1.0 False [Next 196 lines omitted.]
hansel -s heidelberg -vv -t 4 -o -O -p SRR5646583_forward.fastqsanger SRR5646583_reverse.fastqsanger
Contents of
sample scheme subtype all_subtypes tiles_matching_subtype are_subtypes_consistent inconsistent_subtypes n_tiles_matching_all n_tiles_matching_all_total n_tiles_matching_positive n_tiles_matching_positive_total n_tiles_matching_subtype n_tiles_matching_subtype_total file_path SRR5646583 heidelberg 2; 2.2; 2.2.1;;; 1983064-; 4211912- True 202 202 20 20 2 2 SRR5646583_forward.fastqsanger; SRR5646583_reverse.fastqsanger
Contents of
seq freq sample file_path tilename is_pos_tile subtype refposition is_kmer_freq_okay scheme ACGGTAAAAGAGGACTTGACTGGCGCGATTTGC 68 SRR5646583 SRR5646583_forward.fastqsanger; SRR5646583_reverse.fastqsanger 21097- True 21097 True heidelberg AACCGGCGGTATTGGCTGCGGTAAAAGTACCGT 77 SRR5646583 SRR5646583_forward.fastqsanger; SRR5646583_reverse.fastqsanger 157792- True 157792 True heidelberg CCGCTGCTTTCTGAAATCGCGCGTCGTTTCAAC 67 SRR5646583 SRR5646583_forward.fastqsanger; SRR5646583_reverse.fastqsanger 293728- True 293728 True heidelberg GAATAACAGCAAAGTGATCATGATGCCGCTGGA 91 SRR5646583 SRR5646583_forward.fastqsanger; SRR5646583_reverse.fastqsanger 607438-2.2.1 True 2.2.1 607438 True heidelberg CAGTTTTACATCCTGCGAAATGCGCAGCGTCAA 87 SRR5646583 SRR5646583_forward.fastqsanger; SRR5646583_reverse.fastqsanger 691203- True 691203 True heidelberg CAGGAGAAAGGATGCCAGGGTCAACACGTAAAC 33 SRR5646583 SRR5646583_forward.fastqsanger; SRR5646583_reverse.fastqsanger 944885- True 944885 True heidelberg [Next 200 lines omitted.]
hansel -s heidelberg -vv --threads <n_cpu> -o -O -D /path/to/fastas_or_fastqs/
will only attempt to analyze the FASTA/FASTQ files within the specified directory and will not descend into any subdirectories!
Get the latest development code using Git from GitHub:
git clone
cd biohansel/
git checkout development
# Create a virtual environment (virtualenv) for development
virtualenv -p python3 .venv
# Activate the newly created virtualenv
source .venv/bin/activate
# Install biohansel into the virtualenv in "editable" mode
pip install -e .
Run tests with pytest:
# In the biohansel/ root directory, install pytest for running tests
pip install pytest
# Run all tests in tests/ directory
# Or run a specific test module
pytest -s tests/
Copyright Government of Canada 2017
Written by: National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of Canada
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this work except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
Gary van Domselaar: [email protected]