A Github Activity Visualization Project
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/your-username/project-name.git
cd project-name
- Set up environment variables
Create a .env file in the root of your project directory and add your configuration variables. You can refer to the current .env
file for guidance. The .env
file has been added to .gitignore so it will not push your credentials to github.
- Make the start.sh file executeable.
chmod +x start.sh
- Start the project
Run the start.sh file to install all dependencies and fetch/format data
Open the application
- Open your browser and navigate to
If the above instructions give you trouble, or if you would prefer to navigate the project manually for any reason follow these instructions after updating your .env variables.
install dependencies
npm install
npm install node-fetch
npm install express
npm install moment
npm install dotenv
npm install -g http-server
Fetch the data from the Github org via Github's REST API.
node scripts/fetch_data.js
Make all data searchable and write to local storage.
node format_data.js
Project the query to http://localhost:3000
node src/js/main.js
Open the application
- Open your browser and navigate to