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sharonhoward committed Jan 22, 2025
1 parent 3b12e72 commit 7ef1c12
Showing 1 changed file with 15 additions and 26 deletions.
41 changes: 15 additions & 26 deletions texts/01_book_one/book_one.xml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13598,29 +13598,21 @@ In the vacancy of a wise <w norm="and">&amp;</w> prudent <w norm="governor">Gove

<fw type="pageNum">286</fw>

<div xml:id="div-136" type="supplementary">
<head rend="pre(rule_pattern)">
<!-- [endnote] [decoration] Patterned border. pattern above title only. -->
<!-- NOTE Patterned border. pattern above title only. -->
A Recollection of <w norm="Memorable">Memmorable</w> <w norm="Accidents" type="u">accidents</w><surplus reason="superfluous">,</surplus> <w norm="and">&amp;</w><lb/>
Passages<surplus reason="superfluous">.</surplus> <w norm="Forgotten">forgotten</w> to <add place="above">be</add> <w norm="Entered">Entred</w> into <w norm="My" type="u">my</w> <w norm="Book">Booke</w><surplus reason="superfluous">.</surplus>

<!-- [endnote] [insertion] Here there are indications of several revisions, possibly at different times. 'At Kirklington 1629' is in a darker ink. -->
<!-- NOTE [structure] nesting the following divs; I think that makes most sense. -->

<div xml:id="div-137">
<!-- Q [review] [tagging] [layout]
as discussed with team June 2022: will probably need final review against updated transcription.
**markup decisions = privilege meaning of words (as I interpret them...) over exact positioning on page. (Including moving a word)**
Although the first line is written inside the <head> above, this text is clearly referring to the next section.
treat it as a single <note>. and put both insertions inside the next div, not the first one.
EXCEPT I think the word "At" between "placed" and "in" should actually prefix "Kirklington 1629".
review May 2024. why note tag?
change to add, but then problems with positioning; can't go before <head>; but it can if you wrap add in fw. :-)
add italic to fw and see what happens. otherwise it'll need a hi/seg as well.

<!-- NOTE Here there are indications of several revisions, possibly at different times. 'At Kirklington 1629' is in a darker ink.
markup privileges meaning of words over exact position on page.

<fw rend="italic">
<add xml:id="inote-001" place="inline" resp="#awt1">
<w norm="This" type="u">this</w> must be placed <w norm="in" type="l">In</w> the first <w norm="place">Place</w><supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> <w norm="page" type="l">Page</w> <w norm="eight">8<hi rend="superscript">th</hi></w><supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> before the<lb/>
Expand All @@ -13636,8 +13628,7 @@ In the vacancy of a wise <w norm="and">&amp;</w> prudent <w norm="governor">Gove
matches the marginal symbol on p.8 - looks like it is intended to link them together. look up scribal stuff! -->
<w norm="Upon">Uppon</w> <w norm="My" type="u">my</w> <w norm="Deliverance" type="u">deliverance</w> from <w norm="Death" type="u">death</w> by a <w norm="Fall" type="u">fall</w><pc norm=",">.</pc><lb/>

when I was <w norm="Three">3</w> <w norm="Years" type="u">years</w> <w norm="Old" type="u">old</w><surplus reason="superfluous">.</surplus> <milestone unit="marker" rend="delim(diagonal2)"/> <lb/>
<!-- Q [tagging] [layout] another insertion, below the title border (with a post(rule) of its own) -->
when I was <w norm="Three">3</w> <w norm="Years" type="u">years</w> <w norm="Old" type="u">old</w><surplus reason="superfluous">.</surplus> <milestone unit="marker" rend="delim(diagonal2)"/> <lb/>
<add xml:id="inote-002" place="inline" resp="#awt1" rend="post(rule)">
when I <w norm="Cut">cutt</w> a <w norm="Great" type="u">great</w> <w norm="Wound" type="u">wound</w> in <w norm="My" type="u">my</w> <w norm="Forehead" type="u">forehead</w> of above an Inch <w norm="Long" type="u">long</w><supplied reason="mod">.</supplied>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -13984,7 +13975,7 @@ In the vacancy of a wise <w norm="and">&amp;</w> prudent <w norm="governor">Gove
<w norm="years">yeares</w> <w norm="after">affter</w> <w norm="and">&amp;</w> had like to have taken his life away<supplied reason="mod">.</supplied><lb/>
<w norm="But">butt</w><supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> blessed be the gracious God<supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> by <rs ref="ppl:aow1" n="per1330" type="person">my <w norm="dear">deare</w> <w norm="mother's">mothr</w></rs><lb/>
<w norm="excellent">excelent</w> <w norm="cares">cairs</w><pc norm=",">.</pc> cost<surplus reason="superfluous">,</surplus> <w norm="and">&amp;</w> <w norm="pains">paines</w> he was cured <w norm="and">&amp;</w> <w norm="became">becam</w><lb/>
a very strong man<pc norm=",">.</pc> <w norm="and">&amp;</w> <w norm="lived">livd</w> to be the <w norm="father">Fathr</w> of that <choice><abbr>Fam</abbr><expan>family</expan></choice> <!-- Q abbr [endnote] Sic - i.e., Family.-->
a very strong man<pc norm=",">.</pc> <w norm="and">&amp;</w> <w norm="lived">livd</w> to be the <w norm="father">Fathr</w> of that <choice><abbr>Fam</abbr><expan>family</expan></choice>

of which he was descended<anchor xml:id="ev220-end" n="ev220" type="event"/> <w norm="and">&amp;</w> was <milestone spanTo="#ev221-end" xml:id="ev221-start" n="ev221" unit="event"/><rs ref="ppl:cw2" n="per1331" type="person">my beloved brother</rs><lb/>
Expand All @@ -13993,7 +13984,7 @@ In the vacancy of a wise <w norm="and">&amp;</w> prudent <w norm="governor">Gove
<!-- NOTE [dates] OS (Anselment ref parish register, fn210) -->
buried at <placeName ref="place:Kirk_031" n="place400">Kirklington</placeName><supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> by his <w norm="ancestors" type="break">Antien<lb break="no"/>
ters</w><supplied reason="mod">).</supplied><anchor n="433" corresp="#p292n02" resp="ednote"/>
<!-- Q review "ters" is add place below/highlighted for consistency? or pink? in semidip --><anchor xml:id="ev221-end" n="ev221" type="event"/></p>
<anchor xml:id="ev221-end" n="ev221" type="event"/></p>
<div xml:id="div-142">
<head rend="pre(rule) post(rule)">
Expand All @@ -14006,12 +13997,10 @@ In the vacancy of a wise <w norm="and">&amp;</w> prudent <w norm="governor">Gove
thereby Prevented<surplus reason="superfluous">.</surplus>

<!-- [endnote] [insertion] This insertion is in a darker ink than the rest of the text and is boxed in. NB. Entry NOT included in Anselment??-->
<!-- Q [review] [layout] date is set in a box lower left corner of the titles, looks like a later insertion -->
<!-- NOTE date is set in a box lower left corner of the titles, looks like a later insertion -->
<note place="left" resp="#awt1">

Date<supplied reason="mod">:</supplied> <date when-custom="1640-10-02"><choice><abbr>Octo</abbr><expan>October</expan></choice> 2<supplied reason="mod">,</supplied><lb/>
1640<supplied reason="mod">.</supplied></date>

1640<supplied reason="mod">.</supplied></date>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -14235,7 +14224,7 @@ In the vacancy of a wise <w norm="and">&amp;</w> prudent <w norm="governor">Gove
My <w norm="Deliverance">delivrance</w> from Drowning in the River at <placeName ref="place:Midd_038" n="place415"><w norm="Middleham">midlam</w></placeName><lb/>
when I went to be a <w norm="Witness">wittness</w> to <persName ref="ppl:kwd1" n="per1372"><w norm="My" type="u">my</w> <w norm="Sister" type="u">sister</w> <w norm="Danby's">Danbys</w></persName> <persName ref="ppl:ed1" n="per1373"><w norm="First" type="u">first</w><lb/>
Francis</persName><supplied reason="mod">,</supplied><!-- NOTE [people] misidentification - son born in 1644 was named Edward. ID corrected. --> <w norm="Born">Borne</w> <w norm="at">att</w> <placeName ref="place:Midd_039" n="place416"><w norm="Middleham">Midlam</w> Castle</placeName> in the <w norm="Year">yeare</w> <date type="accident" when-custom="1644">1644</date>
<!-- Q [endnote] Second 4 is written over a 3 in a darker ink.-->
<!-- NOTE Second 4 is written over a 3 in a darker ink.-->

<p xml:id="p-0816">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -14336,7 +14325,7 @@ In the vacancy of a wise <w norm="and">&amp;</w> prudent <w norm="governor">Gove
<w norm="and">&amp;</w> I fell <w norm="down">don</w><lb/>
on my knees <w norm="and">&amp;</w> took breath from me.<anchor xml:id="ev231-end" n="ev231" type="event"/> <w norm="But" type="u">but</w><supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> <choice><sic>bled</sic><corr>blessed</corr></choice> be the Lord<supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> I<lb/>
was <w norm="delivered">delivrd</w> from death<surplus reason="superfluous">.</surplus> at that time <w norm="also">allso</w> to <quote xml:id="q-955" type="partial" source="#_Psalms_145:21"><w norm="praise" type="l">Praise</w> his<lb/>
<w norm="Holy" type="u">holy</w> <w norm="Name" type="u">name</w><surplus reason="superfluous">.</surplus> <w norm="forever">For. Ever</w></quote>. <date when-custom="1643-07"><w norm="1643">1647</w></date>.<!-- Q [dates] 1647 - ? the 7 should be 3 (have 'corrected' @when already for data purposes, transcription to do later) --></p>
<w norm="Holy" type="u">holy</w> <w norm="Name" type="u">name</w><surplus reason="superfluous">.</surplus> <w norm="forever">For. Ever</w></quote>. <date when-custom="1643-07"><w norm="1643">1643</w></date>.</p>
<p xml:id="p-0820">And was <w norm="delivered">deleerd</w> from that <w norm="siege">seige</w> <w norm="also">allso</w> by miracles<lb/>
of mercy<supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> <w norm="and">&amp;</w> brought us <w norm="safe" type="l">Safe</w> into our <w norm="own">owne</w> <w norm="country" type="l">Country</w><supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> <placeName ref="place:York_079" n="place-supp100"><w norm="Yorkshire">York<lb break="no"/>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -14947,7 +14936,7 @@ In the vacancy of a wise <w norm="and">&amp;</w> prudent <w norm="governor">Gove
all former disgusts or displeasure<pc norm=";">.</pc> <w norm="and">&amp;</w> to be <w norm="cordially" type="l">Cordially</w><lb/>
<w norm="reconciled">reconsiled</w> for his sake<supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> who died for us. <w norm="And">&amp;</w> with great<lb/>
comfort<supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> I prevailed with them to <w norm="receive">recave</w> this holy feast<lb/>
of love to which we were to come<supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> <w norm="and">&amp;</w> on the <w norm="Easter Day">Eastrday</w><!-- Q i think she means "Easter Day" but check? --><pc norm=",">.</pc> I <w norm="bless">blese</w><lb/>
of love to which we were to come<supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> <w norm="and">&amp;</w> on the <w norm="Easter Day">Eastrday</w><pc norm=",">.</pc> I <w norm="bless">blese</w><lb/>
my God<supplied reason="mod">,</supplied> we did <w norm="receive">recave</w> that <w norm="Holy" type="u">holy</w> <choice><abbr>Sacmt</abbr><expan>Sacrament</expan></choice> in <w norm="zeal">Zeale</w> <w norm="and">&amp;</w> devotion.<anchor n="458" corresp="#p306n03" resp="ednote"/>
<anchor xml:id="ev233-end" n="ev233" type="event"/>
Expand Down

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