The unofficial slack themes for Rice University (uses official university colors)
To use these themes in Slack, simply paste the entire string of text for the style into any channel, and then hit Switch sidebar theme
Rice Colors: #00205B,#00205B,#3E444A,#FFFFFF,#034EA0,#FFFFFF,#389346,#C04729
Alternate (Gray): #3E444A,#3E444A,#0E113D,#FFFFFF,#00205B,#DFE3E6,#389346,#C04729
Alternate (Ternary): #C04729,#C04729,#0E113D,#FFFFFF,#00205B,#DFE3E6,#389346,#00422C
Alternate (Wild): #EDA622,#C04729,#362E52,#389346,#C04729,#00422C,#389346,#68132E
DISCLAIMER: These themes are not officially sponsored by Rice University, and simply use the colors as outlaid in the official Design Elements documentation