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nestjs dynamic module on top of surreadb.js driver, with rest and graphql consumer app, dataloaders, base resolvers, services, dtos, entities etc

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Project Components

NestJs SurrealDb Dynamic Module

the main @koakh/nestjs-surrealdb nestjs dynamic module (library) locate at packages/app-lib

this is just a simple wrapper on top of surrealdb.js integration, check github repo, and don't forget to star the project, this "surreal team dreamers" deserve it

REST Consumer App

rest consumer sample app @koakh/nestjs-surrealdb-rest-demo locate at packages/app-rst

GraphQL Consumer App

graphql consumer sample app @koakh/nestjs-surrealdb-graphql-demo locate at packages/app-gql

GraphQL DataLoader Package

graphql consumer sample app @koakh/nestjs-surrealdb-gql-dataloader locate at packages/dataloader

cloned tracworx/nestjs-dataloade to work with nestjs 9 without use --force flag

GraphQL SurrealDb Tutorial

tutorial-graphql @koakh/nestjs-surrealdb-gql-tutorial locate at packages/tutorial-graphql

Configure Dev Environment

requirements node and npm

this project use yarn workspaces, so start to install yarn and workspace dependencies

The preferred way to manage Yarn is by-project and through Corepack, a tool shipped by default with Node.js. Modern releases of Yarn aren't meant to be installed globally, or from npm.

$ nvh i 20
$ node -v
# start with the basic packages, to preven infinite install dependencies problem
$ mv packages/{app-gql,dataloader} packages_standby/
# clena up
$ sudo rm node_modules/ -Rf
# remove old yarn.lock if exists
$ rm yarn.lock
$ yarn --version
# enable corepack
$ corepack enable
# update to latest version
$ yarn set version stable
$ yarn --version
# clean cache
$ yarn cache clean --mirror --all

# install workspace dependecies, with --mode=skip-build to prevent annoying infinite loop trying install dependecies
$ yarn install --mode=skip-build

# try upgrade all packages to latest in interactive mode
$ yarn upgrade-interactive
# NOTE: this can enter in annoying infinite loop, is so change package version and use above install with --mode=skip-build after, ex
? Pick the packages you want to upgrade.          Current          Range            Latest

 > tsc-watch ----------------------------------- ◉ 6.2.1 -------- ◯ 6.3.0 --------
# fix it mannually
$ cd packages/app-lib/
$ yarn add [email protected] --mode=skip-build
# check id there is no updates

# done seems that without build step we can't install dependecies, let's advance and check if all consumer projects run without issues

Always use --mode=skip-build to add packages to package projects


$ cd packages/app-rst
$ cd yarn add -D nodemon --mode=skip-build

Install and Run SurrealDb

Install SurrealDb

first install SurrealDb. full instruction at SurrealDB | Install

Install on macOS

$ brew install surrealdb/tap/surreal

Install on Linux Distros

$ curl -sSf | sh
$ sudo mv /home/c3/.surrealdb/surreal /usr/local/bin

Install on Windows

$ iwr -useb | iex

Start SurrealDb Instance

# start surream with rocksdb
$ yarn surreal

# outcome
 .d8888b.                                             888 8888888b.  888888b.
d88P  Y88b                                            888 888  'Y88b 888  '88b
Y88b.                                                 888 888    888 888  .88P
 'Y888b.   888  888 888d888 888d888  .d88b.   8888b.  888 888    888 8888888K.
    'Y88b. 888  888 888P'   888P'   d8P  Y8b     '88b 888 888    888 888  'Y88b
      '888 888  888 888     888     88888888 .d888888 888 888    888 888    888
Y88b  d88P Y88b 888 888     888     Y8b.     888  888 888 888  .d88P 888   d88P
 'Y8888P'   'Y88888 888     888      'Y8888  'Y888888 888 8888888P'  8888888P'

2024-11-25T11:47:45.498218Z  INFO surreal::env: Running 2.1.0 for linux on x86_64
2024-11-25T11:47:45.499027Z  INFO surrealdb::core::kvs::ds: Starting kvs store at rocksdb://database
2024-11-25T11:47:45.546100Z  INFO surrealdb::core::kvs::ds: Started kvs store at rocksdb://database
2024-11-25T11:47:45.550552Z  WARN surrealdb::core::kvs::ds: Credentials were provided, but existing root users were found. The root user 'root' will not be created
2024-11-25T11:47:45.550748Z  WARN surrealdb::core::kvs::ds: Consider removing the --user and --pass arguments from the server start command
2024-11-25T11:47:45.554246Z  INFO surrealdb::net: Listening for a system shutdown signal.
2024-11-25T11:47:45.554092Z  INFO surrealdb::net: Started web server on

Init surrealDb Database

import the initdb.sql

# import schemafull
$ yarn surreal:initdb
# outcome
[2022-09-05 23:07:01] INFO  surrealdb::cli The SQL file was imported successfully

# check info for db
$ echo "INFO FOR DB;" | surreal sql --json --hide-welcome --pretty --conn http://localhost:8000 --user root --pass root --ns test --db test
-- Query 1 (execution time: 609.242µs
  "accesses": {
    "allusers": "DEFINE ACCESS allusers ON DATABASE TYPE RECORD SIGNUP (CREATE user SET = $marketing, email = $email, pass = crypto::argon2::generate($pass), tags = $tags) SIGNIN (SELECT * FROM user WHERE email = $email AND crypto::argon2::compare(pass, $pass)) WITH JWT ALGORITHM HS512 KEY '[REDACTED]' WITH ISSUER KEY '[REDACTED]' DURATION FOR TOKEN 1h, FOR SESSION 2w"
  "analyzers": {},
  "configs": {},
  "functions": {},
  "models": {},
  "params": {},
  "tables": {
    "user": "DEFINE TABLE user TYPE NORMAL SCHEMAFULL PERMISSIONS FOR select, update WHERE id = $, FOR create, delete NONE"
  "users": {}

# check info for user
$ echo "INFO FOR TABLE user;" | surreal sql --json --hide-welcome --pretty --conn http://localhost:8000 --user root --pass root --ns test --db test

-- Query 1 (execution time: 316.537µs
  "events": {},
  "fields": {
    "email": "DEFINE FIELD email ON user TYPE string PERMISSIONS FULL",
    "pass": "DEFINE FIELD pass ON user TYPE string PERMISSIONS FULL",
    "settings[*]": "DEFINE FIELD settings[*] ON user TYPE object PERMISSIONS FULL",
    "tags": "DEFINE FIELD tags ON user TYPE array PERMISSIONS FULL"
  "indexes": {
    "idx_email": "DEFINE INDEX idx_email ON user FIELDS email UNIQUE"
  "lives": {},
  "tables": {}

done we have a ready to play surrealdb database ready to use with signup and signin

more info on gist

Now launch Consumer Apps

from root package.json

Always run Dev Watch for Lib

this way it will apply changes in lib, and propagate this changes to consumer apps

$ yarn app-lib:dev

Launch REST Consumer App

TIP: use a split window with app-lib:dev and start:app-rst, this way when file changes on both projects you will see watch reload working on both projects

# start dev
$ yarn start:app-rst
[Nest] 284274  - 11/27/2024, 11:02:44 AM     LOG [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started +2ms
[Nest] 284274  - 11/27/2024, 11:02:44 AM     LOG [NestApplication] Application is running on: http://[::1]:3030
[Nest] 284274  - 11/27/2024, 11:02:44 AM     LOG [NestApplication] using surrealDb host: ws://

launch debug here, it will work with consumer app and lib/package

# or start docker stack
$ docker:app-rst:up
$ docker:app-rst:down

Launch GraphQL Consumer App

# start dev
$ yarn start:app-gql

# start docker stack
$ docker:app-gql:up
$ docker:app-gql:down

Launch GraphQL Tutorial Consumer App

# start dev
$ yarn start:tutorial-graphql


nestjs dynamic module on top of surreadb.js driver, with rest and graphql consumer app, dataloaders, base resolvers, services, dtos, entities etc






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