- Deep dive into Javascript
- Introduction to TS
- Node JS, npm, webpack
- Introduction to Angular
- Angular out-of-the-box directives
- About angular components, inputs and outputs
- Dependency Injection in Angular
- Promises
- RxJS
- Routing in Angular
- Http interaction in Angular
- Forms in Angular
- Custom Directives and Pipes
- RxJS Deeper dive: Combinators, Aggregators, Higher degree observables, Multicasting
- Dependency Injection Deep Dive
- Providers
- Multi injection
- App initialization scenarios
- Redux using NgRX
- Advanced Component Authoring
- Content Projection
- View Children
- Content Children
- Containers and Templates
- The
- The
- Template Outlets
- Contexts
- The
- Custom Structural directives
- Using ViewContainerRef
- Using the micro syntax