Deployed at Heroku
Goal to achieve in this web app: Integrate information about cities and display it for the user to plan travel.
Home: Search page and introduction page in carousel. Search results returned by Google geocoding API
Wiki: Display wikipedia results about the searched place. Results returned by Media Wiki API
Places: Contains 4 types: dining, shopping, hiking, and lodging. In each type, we display the relevant places on map and also list them below the map. The results are given by Google Place API and displayed by Google Maps API.
Weather: Display the 3-day forecast for the searched city. Results returned by Weather Underground API.
Constructed on Ruby on Rails 4.0
Model: Location
Controller: LocationsController
Plugins: Twitter Typeahead, Google map for rails, Bootstrap carousel.
CSS:Imported Bootstrap 3.0 and custom css.
Jason Tian Kang
Email: [email protected]