Published 6 September 2022
- CIO: responses are received with a huge delay on JVM Windows (due to reverse DNS lookup internally) (KTOR-4827)
- Netty HTTP/2 not working (KTOR-578)
- HTTP/2 push fails with Netty engine (KTOR-800)
- HttpCookies: no space between cookie pairs (KTOR-3854)
- Netty ALPN provider detection not working (KTOR-4712)
- CIO: Connection reset by peer on MacOS (KTOR-2036)
- CallLogging MDC with sessions: Application feature Sessions is not installed (KTOR-550)
- Deprecate Public API with Atomicfu Declarations (KTOR-4774)
- Deprecate receiveOrNull because it's confusing (KTOR-4772)
- Server ContentNegotiation Plugin doesn't check ignoredTypes for Request Body (KTOR-4770)
- IllegalArgumentException is thrown when UnixSocketAddress.path is accessed on JVM (JDK 16+) (KTOR-4695)
- WebSocketDeflateExtension not following RFC (KTOR-4696)
- The parseWebSocketExtensions function behaves incorrectly (KTOR-3189)
- Receive non-Nullable Type Throws NPE in Case of Failure (KTOR-4771)
- Darwin: Symbol not found: OBJC_CLASS$_NSURLSessionWebSocketMessage on iOS 12 (KTOR-4159)
- Fix Merging Date Headers on the Client (KTOR-4782)
- Replace exception in InputStreamAdapter and OutputStreamAdapter constructors with warning message If parking (KTOR-4736)
- Clearing Session Cookie in Chrome 80+ with SameSite and Secure (KTOR-437)
- The
stalls when used in combination with aOutgoingContent.WriteChannelContent
(KTOR-2126) - Missing Content-Type header in a request (KTOR-1407)
- Crash when making requests from browser inside of web worker (KTOR-4715)
- An error occurs when there is a binary such as protobuf in the response body of error (KTOR-1619)
- CallLogging configured MDC entries are not passed to StatusPages exception handlers (KTOR-4193)
- LocalFileContent incorrectly relies on the last modification time of a file to check its existence (KTOR-4707)
- Sessions: WSS in combination with Secure cookies throws IllegalArgumentException (KTOR-4697)
- Json request failure with configured form authentication (KTOR-678)