Markov's passwords is a program to generate random passwords composed of strings of pronounceable made up words. It is based off of the XKCD comic "Password Strength", and the observation that made-up words are even more resistant to dictionary attacks from the Computerphile episode "How to Choose a Password".
First the model needs to be trained
> python3 dict.txt dict.model -l 5
Then we can generate passwords using
> python3 eng_37k.model
I use a Markov chain of word frequencies based of off the
The program thus needs a dictionary file as input, and could theoretically work
on multiple languages, provided that they are alphebetic and not logographic
(like Chinese). See dict/
Model files are encoded using the msgpack format. They correspond to the flowing JSON format.
<model> := {"lookback" : <lookback>, "charSet" : <charSet>, "models" : <submodels>}
<charSet> := [<char>, ...]
<submodels> := [<submodel>, ...]
<submodel> := {"lookback" : <lookback>,
"freqs" : {<char> : {<char> : <freq>, ...}, ...}
Here's and example for a model trained on "cat", "call", and "late", with a lookback of 2.
{'lookback': 2,
'charSet': ['e', 't', 'c', 'a', 'l'],
'models': [{'lookback': 1,
'freqs': {'c': {'a': 1.0},
'a': {'t': 0.6666666666666666, 'l': 0.3333333333333333},
'l': {'l': 0.5, 'a': 0.5},
't': {'e': 1.0}}},
{'lookback': 2,
'freqs': {'ca': {'t': 0.5, 'l': 0.5},
'al': {'l': 1.0},
'la': {'t': 1.0},
'at': {'e': 1.0}}}]}
Hidden Markov Model
An HMM implementation can be found in the hidden
branch. The HMM needs to be
modified to handle words better, as it currently performs worse than the current
Contributions are welcome and can be made via pull requests. Low-hanging fruit includes adding dictionaries for more languages. Ideally these dictionaries should have the 1000-4000, depending on the language, most common words in the language. This is to ensure that the produced words are still somewhat recognizable, and aren't being perturbed by words native speakers might not use often enough to recognize.