##What is it?
MeshToLabelMap converts VTK polydata (*.vtk or *.vtp) into label maps. It uses vtkImageStencil as well as the specific vtk classes included in this project to perform this operation. This tool uses SlicerExecutionModel to generate its user interface. It can be integrated into 3D Slicer to have access to a graphical user interface. To print the help page, use the flag '--help'
Example of usage:
./MeshToLabelMap -m model.vtk -R reference_image.nrrd -l my_output_label_map.nrrd --pixel_value 1
./MeshToLabelMap -m model.vtk --spacing 0.2,0.2,.2 -l my_output_label_map.nrrd --pixel_value 2
MeshToLabelMap requires:
- CMake 2.8.10 or more recent
- SlicerExecutionModel
See License.txt
##Source code
Find the source code on GitHub