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More meaningful representation of projective spaces.
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Using the half-sphere readily allows us to piggy-back upon the well-tested
sphere methods for tangent transport etc.
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leftaroundabout committed Mar 12, 2018
1 parent 45784fa commit 69c1940
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Showing 6 changed files with 58 additions and 57 deletions.
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions manifolds-core/Math/Manifold/Core/PseudoAffine.hs
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Expand Up @@ -393,15 +393,12 @@ instance Semimanifold ℝP¹ where
fromInterior = id
toInterior = pure
translateP = Tagged (.+~^)
UnitDiskℝP¹ r₀ .+~^ δr
| r' < -1 = UnitDiskℝP¹ $ r' + 2
| otherwise = UnitDiskℝP¹ $ r'
where r' = toUnitrange $ r₀ + δr
HemisphereℝP¹Polar r₀ .+~^ δr = HemisphereℝP¹Polar . toℝP¹range $ r₀ + δr
instance PseudoAffine ℝP¹ where
UnitDiskℝP¹ φ₁ .-~. UnitDiskℝP¹ φ₀
| δφ > pi = pure (δφ - 2*pi)
| δφ < (-pi) = pure (δφ + 2*pi)
| otherwise = pure δφ
HemisphereℝP¹Polar φ₁ .-~. HemisphereℝP¹Polar φ₀
| δφ > pi/2 = pure (δφ - pi)
| δφ < (-pi/2) = pure (δφ + pi)
| otherwise = pure δφ
where δφ = φ₁ - φ₀

Expand All @@ -415,6 +412,9 @@ tau = 2 * pi
toS¹range :: ->
toS¹range φ =+pi)`mod'`tau - pi

toℝP¹range :: ->
toℝP¹range φ =+pi/2)`mod'`pi - pi/2

toUnitrange :: ->
toUnitrange φ =+1)`mod'`2 - 1

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11 changes: 7 additions & 4 deletions manifolds-core/Math/Manifold/Core/Types.hs
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Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@

{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}

module Math.Manifold.Core.Types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,17 +46,19 @@ otherHalfSphere NegativeHalfSphere = PositiveHalfSphere
pattern S¹ :: Double -> S¹
pattern S¹ φ = S¹Polar φ

{-# DEPRECATED ℝP¹ "Use Math.Manifold.Core.Types.UnitDiskℝP¹" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED ℝP¹ "Use Math.Manifold.Core.Types.HemisphereℝP¹Polar (notice: different range)" #-}
pattern ℝP¹ :: Double -> ℝP¹
pattern ℝP¹ r = UnitDiskℝP¹ r
pattern ℝP¹ r <- (HemisphereℝP¹Polar ((2/pi*)->r))
where ℝP¹ r = HemisphereℝP¹Polar $ r * pi/2

{-# DEPRECATED S² "Use Math.Manifold.Core.Types.S²Polar" #-}
pattern S² :: Double -> Double -> S²
pattern S² ϑ φ = S²Polar ϑ φ

{-# DEPRECATED ℝP² "Use Math.Manifold.Core.Types.UnitDiskℝP²Polar" #-}
{-# DEPRECATED ℝP² "Use Math.Manifold.Core.Types.HemisphereℝP²Polar (notice: different range)" #-}
pattern ℝP² :: Double -> Double -> ℝP²
pattern ℝP² r φ = UnitDiskℝP²Polar r φ
pattern ℝP² r φ <- (HemisphereℝP²Polar ((2/pi*)->r) φ)
where ℝP² r φ = HemisphereℝP²Polar (r * pi/2) φ

{-# DEPRECATED D² "Use Math.Manifold.Core.Types.D²Polar" #-}
pattern D² :: Double -> Double -> D²
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21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions manifolds-core/Math/Manifold/Core/Types/Internal.hs
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Expand Up @@ -30,25 +30,28 @@ newtype S¹ = S¹Polar { φParamS¹ :: Double -- ^ Must be in range @[-π, π[@.
} deriving (Show)

newtype ℝP¹ = UnitDiskℝP¹ { rParamℝP¹ :: Double -- ^ Range @[-1,1]@.
} deriving (Show)
newtype ℝP¹ = HemisphereℝP¹Polar { φParamℝP¹ :: Double -- ^ Range @[-π/2,π/2[@.
} deriving (Show)

-- | The ordinary unit sphere.
data S² = S²Polar { ϑParamS² :: !Double -- ^ Range @[0, π[@.
, φParamS² :: !Double -- ^ Range @[-π, π[@.
} deriving (Show)

-- | The two-dimensional real projective space, implemented as a unit disk with
-- opposing points on the rim glued together.
data ℝP² = UnitDiskℝP²Polar { rParamℝP² :: !Double -- ^ Range @[0, 1]@.
, φParamℝP² :: !Double -- ^ Range @[-π, π[@.
} deriving (Show)
-- | The two-dimensional real projective space, implemented as a disk with
-- opposing points on the rim glued together. Image this disk as the northern hemisphere
-- of a unit sphere; 'ℝP²' is the space of all straight lines passing through
-- the origin of 'ℝ³', and each of these lines is represented by the point at which it
-- passes through the hemisphere.
data ℝP² = HemisphereℝP²Polar { ϑParamℝP² :: !Double -- ^ Range @[0, π/2]@.
, φParamℝP² :: !Double -- ^ Range @[-π, π[@.
} deriving (Show)

-- | The standard, closed unit disk. Homeomorphic to the cone over 'S¹', but not in the
-- the obvious, “flat” way. (And not at all, despite
-- the identical ADT definition, to the projective space 'ℝP²'!)
-- the obvious, “flat” way. (In is /not/ homeomorphic, despite
-- the almost identical ADT definition, to the projective space 'ℝP²'!)
data D² = D²Polar { rParamD² :: !Double -- ^ Range @[0, 1]@.
, φParamD² :: !Double -- ^ Range @[-π, π[@.
} deriving (Show)
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28 changes: 11 additions & 17 deletions manifolds/Data/Manifold/PseudoAffine.hs
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Expand Up @@ -430,24 +430,18 @@ instance Semimanifold ℝP² where
fromInterior = id
toInterior = pure
translateP = Tagged (.+~^)
UnitDiskℝP²Polar r₀ φ₀ .+~^ V2 δr δφ
| r₀ > 1/2 = case r₀ + δr of
r₁ | r₁ > 1 -> UnitDiskℝP²Polar (2-r₁) (toS¹range $ φ₀+δφ+pi)
| otherwise -> UnitDiskℝP²Polar r₁ (toS¹range $ φ₀+δφ)
UnitDiskℝP²Polar r₀ φ₀ .+~^ δxy
= let v = r₀*^embed(S¹Polar φ₀) ^+^ δxy
S¹Polar φ₁ = coEmbed v
r₁ = magnitude v `mod'` 1
in UnitDiskℝP²Polar r₁ φ₁
HemisphereℝP²Polar θ₀ φ₀ .+~^ v
= case S²Polar θ₀ φ₀ .+~^ v of
S²Polar θ₁ φ₁
| θ₁ > pi/2 -> HemisphereℝP²Polar (pi-θ₁) (-φ₁)
| otherwise -> HemisphereℝP²Polar θ₁ φ₁
instance PseudoAffine ℝP² where
UnitDiskℝP²Polar r₁ φ₁ .-~. UnitDiskℝP²Polar r₀ φ₀
| r₀ > 1/2 = pure `id` case φ₁-φ₀ of
δφ | δφ > 3*pi/2 -> V2 ( r₁ - r₀) (δφ - 2*pi)
| δφ < -3*pi/2 -> V2 ( r₁ - r₀) (δφ + 2*pi)
| δφ > pi/2 -> V2 (2-r₁ - r₀) (δφ - pi )
| δφ < -pi/2 -> V2 (2-r₁ - r₀) (δφ + pi )
| otherwise -> V2 ( r₁ - r₀) (δφ )
| otherwise = pure ( r₁*^embed(S¹Polar φ₁) ^-^ r₀*^embed(S¹Polar φ₀) )
HemisphereℝP²Polar θ₁ φ₁ .-~! HemisphereℝP²Polar θ₀ φ₀
= case S²Polar θ₁ φ₁ .-~! S²Polar θ₀ φ₀ of
v -> let= magnitudeSq v
in if>pi^2/4
then S²Polar (pi-θ₁) (-φ₁) .-~! S²Polar θ₀ φ₀
else v

-- instance (PseudoAffine m, VectorSpace (Needle m), Scalar (Needle m) ~ ℝ)
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19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions manifolds/Data/Manifold/Types/Primitive.hs
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Expand Up @@ -141,9 +141,10 @@ instance NaturallyEmbedded S² ℝ³ where
{-# INLINE coEmbed #-}

instance NaturallyEmbedded ℝP² ³ where
embed (UnitDiskℝP²Polar r φ) = V3 (r * cos φ) (r * sin φ) (sqrt $ 1-r^2)
coEmbed (V3 x y z) = UnitDiskℝP²Polar (sqrt $ 1-(z/r)^2) (atan2 (y/r) (x/r))
where r = sqrt $ x^2 + y^2 + z^2
embed (HemisphereℝP²Polar θ φ) = V3 (cθ * cos φ) (cθ * sin φ) (sin θ)
where= cos θ
coEmbed (V3 x y z) = HemisphereℝP²Polar (atan2 rxy z) (atan2 y x)
where rxy = sqrt $ x^2 + y^2

instance NaturallyEmbedded D¹ where
embed = xParamD¹
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,15 +227,15 @@ instance QC.Arbitrary ℝP⁰ where
arbitrary = pure ℝPZero

instance QC.Arbitrary ℝP¹ where
arbitrary = ( \h -> UnitDiskℝP¹ (1 - (h`mod'`2)) ) <$> QC.arbitrary
shrink (UnitDiskℝP¹ r) = UnitDiskℝP¹ . (/12) <$> QC.shrink (r*12)
arbitrary = ( \θ -> HemisphereℝP¹Polar (pi/2 - (θ`mod'`pi)) ) <$> QC.arbitrary
shrink (HemisphereℝP¹Polar θ) = HemisphereℝP¹Polar . (pi/6*) <$> QC.shrink (θ*6/pi)

instance QC.Arbitrary ℝP² where
arbitrary = ( \r φ -> UnitDiskℝP²Polar (r`mod'`1) (pi -`mod'`(2*pi))) )
arbitrary = ( \θ φ -> HemisphereℝP²Polar (θ`mod'`pi/2) (pi -`mod'`(2*pi))) )
<$> QC.arbitrary<*>QC.arbitrary
shrink (UnitDiskℝP²Polar r φ) = [ UnitDiskℝP²Polar (r'/12) (φ'*pi/12)
| r' <- QC.shrink (r*12)
, φ' <- QC.shrink (φ*12/pi) ]
shrink (HemisphereℝP²Polar θ φ) = [ HemisphereℝP²Polar (θ'*pi/6) (φ'*pi/12)
| θ' <- QC.shrink (θ*6/pi)
, φ' <- QC.shrink (φ*12/pi) ]

instance (SP.Show (Interior m), SP.Show f) => SP.Show (FibreBundle m f) where
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20 changes: 10 additions & 10 deletions manifolds/test/tasty/test.hs
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Expand Up @@ -759,17 +759,17 @@ instance AEq ℝ³ where
instance AEq ℝPwhere
fuzzyEq _ ℝPZero ℝPZero = True
instance AEq ℝP¹ where
fuzzyEq η (UnitDiskℝP¹ h) (UnitDiskℝP¹ h')
| h > 1/2, h'< -1/2 = fuzzyEq η (S¹Polar $ h - 2) (S¹Polar h')
| h'> 1/2, h < -1/2 = fuzzyEq η (S¹Polar h) (S¹Polar $ h'- 2)
| otherwise = abs (h - h') < η
fuzzyEq η (HemisphereℝP¹Polar θ) (HemisphereℝP¹Polar ϑ)
= fuzzyEq η (S¹Polar $ θ*2) (S¹Polar $ ϑ*2)
instance AEq ℝP² where
fuzzyEq η (UnitDiskℝP²Polar r φ) (UnitDiskℝP²Polar r' ϕ)
| φ > pi/2, ϕ < -pi/2 = fuzzyEq η (UnitDiskℝP²Polar r $ φ - 2*pi) (UnitDiskℝP²Polar r' ϕ)
| ϕ > pi/2, φ < -pi/2 = fuzzyEq η (UnitDiskℝP²Polar r φ) (UnitDiskℝP²Polar r' $ ϕ - 2*pi)
| r < 1 = abs (r - r') < η && abs- ϕ) * r < η
| φ > pi/4, ϕ < -pi/4 = fuzzyEq η (UnitDiskℝP²Polar 1 $ φ - pi) (UnitDiskℝP²Polar 1 ϕ)
| ϕ > pi/4, φ < -pi/4 = fuzzyEq η (UnitDiskℝP²Polar 1 φ) (UnitDiskℝP²Polar 1 $ ϕ - pi)
fuzzyEq η (HemisphereℝP²Polar θ φ) (HemisphereℝP²Polar ϑ ϕ)
| φ > pi/2, ϕ < -pi/2 = fuzzyEq η (HemisphereℝP²Polar θ $ φ - 2*pi) (HemisphereℝP²Polar ϑ ϕ)
| ϕ > pi/2, φ < -pi/2 = fuzzyEq η (HemisphereℝP²Polar θ φ) (HemisphereℝP²Polar ϑ $ ϕ - 2*pi)
| θ < pi/2 = abs- ϑ) < η && abs- ϕ) * θ < η
| φ > pi/4, ϕ < -pi/4 = fuzzyEq η (HemisphereℝP²Polar (pi/2) $ φ - pi)
(HemisphereℝP²Polar (pi/2) ϕ)
| ϕ > pi/4, φ < -pi/4 = fuzzyEq η (HemisphereℝP²Polar (pi/2) φ)
(HemisphereℝP²Polar (pi/2) $ ϕ - pi)
| otherwise = abs- ϕ) < η

instance (AEq (Interior m), AEq f) => AEq (FibreBundle m f) where
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