Generates material palettes for your colors
Given an input color it calculates its palette approaching the logic of Google Material Design Color Palettes.
Since the algorithm behind their generation is not (yet) known this module approximates the colors values.
It works everywhere: browsers, node, and so on.
With npm do:
npm install material-palette
This module exports a single function, the material palette generator.
It takes an object containing the h, s, and l fields
The field h must be a numeric into [0, 360].
The fields s and l must be numerics into [0, 100].
It returns an object containing all the 14 palette variants (e.g., 50, 100, 200, ..., A700)
As always, more details reading the tests ...
Suppose you want to generate a material palette for hsl(87, 100%, 22%) color (i.e. #3E7000).
First of all import the generator.
var materialpalette = require('materialpalette') // node
import materialpalette from 'materialpalette' // ES2015
window.materialpalette // browsers
Then use it.
var ciao = materialpalette({ h: 87, s: 100, l: 22 })
Which results in the following object ...
'50': { h: 87, s: 100, l: 74 },
'100': { h: 87, s: 100, l: 59 },
'200': { h: 87, s: 100, l: 48 },
'300': { h: 87, s: 100, l: 34 },
'400': { h: 87, s: 100, l: 28 },
'500': { h: 87, s: 100, l: 22 },
'600': { h: 87, s: 100, l: 16 },
'700': { h: 87, s: 100, l: 10 },
'800': { h: 87, s: 100, l: 4 },
'900': { h: 87, s: 100, l: 0 },
'A100': { h: 92, s: 100, l: 46 },
'A200': { h: 92, s: 100, l: 38 },
'A400': { h: 92, s: 100, l: 21 },
'A700': { h: 92, s: 100, l: 10 }
Matching, visually ...
It's cool, isn't it?
MIT © Leonardo Di Donato