RedisPersistent is some kind of variants of Redis.
The motivation of this repo is to improve the fork performance when redis triggered the bgsave function. We implement Hourglass and Piggyback algorithms into Redis, the performance resutls show that RedisPersistent has a very small latency spike when bgsave triggered.
The Hourglass and Piggyback algorithms is described in the following paper.
Li, Liang, Guoren Wang, Gang Wu, and Ye Yuan. "Consistent Snapshot Algorithms for In-Memory Database Systems: Experiments and Analysis." In 2018 IEEE 34th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), pp. 1284-1287. IEEE, 2018.
Besides, the performance of those algorithm is studied in FrequentSnapshot.
first, you must install autoconf, and run the following command.
The evaluation is based on YCSB
First, you need to run the redis server, like:
./ cou
// cou, could be replaced by zz,mk,ll
Then, you should install java-jre, and download the ycsb package for redis, the quick link is here
Finally, run the following command in the path of ycsb-redis to begin the benchmark:
bin/ycsb load redis -P workloads/workloada -p -p redis.port=6380 -threads 256
bin/ycsb run redis -P workloads/workloada -p -p redis.port=6380 -threads 1