- Check all state variables are private.
- Check there are no "external virtual" functions (they can't be overridden and call super).
- Check all internal and private variables and functions are prefixed with underscore.
- Check all interface names have a capital I prefix.
It is aimed at the following Open Zeppelin Contracts - Issue #3919
To install this plugin, after you installed solhint in your Node environment just install the plugin:
npm install solhint-plugin-ozcontracts
Then you should create a solhint config file (.solhint.json):
npx solhint --init
And edit the config file to include the plugin and rules. Here is a simple config file example:
"extends": "solhint:default",
"plugins": [
"rules": {
"ozcontracts/oz-contracts-custom": "error"
There are some auto fixes in this plugin, to activate them run solhint with the --fix option:
npx solhint XXX.sol --fix
Any feedback is welcome!