A Fully Functional and Extensive Auctions / E-Commerce Webpage
This is the index page of the Web Application
You're sections headers will be used to reference location of destination.
This Github repository is created to document my production of my auctions Web Application. The Web Application has the following features.
Login/ Logout/ Register
Create Listing
Add / Remove Listing from Wishlist
Closing / Opening Listings
Comments Sections with Likes/ Dislikes
This Web Application is a fully functional and completely standalone but can be continuously improved on.
- Python
- Django
- SQLite DB
Download the files in a selected folder
Select the directory in terminal
cd folder_name
To run the django server:
python manage.py runserver
To create an admin account:
python manage.py createsuperuser
List of dependencies can be found in the requirements.txt file in the root of the folder.
To Install the Dependencies Locally or to into a Virtual Environment
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Better experience and knowledge about the Django Framework
- Better knowledge of Django Models / Databases
- Better knowledge about the intricacies of HTML and CSS
- I leaned to set personal goals about what I want to accomplish after each coding session, to optimise my workflow , productivity and set realistic expectations
- Linked in - @limyuquan
- Instagram - @yuquannn._