This is my take on the CS50 finance project assignment This also happens to be my first time making a webapp/website and this repo is created to document my journey.
- Login/ Logout change functionality
- Register/ Password Change functionality
- Lookup stock prices
- Buy and sell stocks
- History of transactions made
- Add funds
To run it locally:
- Download and install all the files in your folder to run it locally.
To run it on a server:
- You can follow this video tutorial by freeCodeCamp to learn how to run a server online.
All libraries required can be located in the requirements text file. Webapp backend is also written in Python 3 and is using the Flask Framework.
Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs or file feature requests.
- Python and Flask
- SQL database
- Improve search times and runtimes
- Nil so far
- Better usage of APIs
- Usage of web frameworks (Flask)
28 Nov 2022 - Repo created