Dasima is a library that helps you send and receive messages in Flask project. It is a simple wrapper around Kombu and support with the publisher/subscriber pattern of your Flask project.
- Python >= 3.6
Message Queue
ex) Redis, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, ZeroMQ, Kafka...
$ pip install dasima
DASIMA_CONNECTION_HOST = "localhost" # your Message Queue host ex) redis://, amqp://id:[email protected]:port
DASIMA_ACCEPT_TYPE = "json" # sending data type ex) json, pickle ...
DASIMA_EXCHANGE_SETTING = [("test_exchange", "one"),]
# DASIMA_EXCHANGE_SETTING is list of tuples [(exchange name, type)]
# There are two types: 'all' and 'one'.
from dasima import Dasima
from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
"DASIMA_CONNECTION_HOST": "pyamqp://localhost:5672",
"DASIMA_EXCHANGE_SETTING": [("test_exchange", "one"), ]
dasimamq = Dasima()
dasimamq.init_app(app) # Alternatively, auto init_app can be used after putting the flask app into Dasima like Dasima(app).
"""same as
def after_work_func(data, message, result):
print("working after on task")
def after_task_func(data, message, result):
print("working after on task...")
# Be able to subscribe target functions using the function 'subscribe'
# The queue named by subscribed function name will be made, and binding it with routing key
# dasimamq.{exchange}.subscribe(routing_key) - "Route key to bind"
# @dasimamq.test_exchange.subscribe - if routing key not defined, routing key is defined as function name
def test_function(x, y):
print(x + y)
return x + y
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Call the function 'run_subscribers' to create queues in which consumers process the messages.
from flask import Flask
from dasima import Dasima
app = Flask(__name__)
"DASIMA_CONNECTION_HOST": "pyamqp://localhost:5672",
"DASIMA_EXCHANGE_SETTING": [("test_exchange", "one"), ]
dasimamq = Dasima()
dasimamq.init_app(app) # Alternatively, auto init_app is possible by putting the flask app directly into Dasima(app).
def send_message():
data={"x": 1, "y": 2},
return {"data": "send message successful"}
def send_message():
res = dasimamq.test_exchange.send_message_and_recevie_result(
data={"x": 1, "y": 2},
return {"result": res}
if __name__ == "__main__":
JISU JEONG - [email protected]