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This module groups some useful modules used in the's Webui:

  • ldapconnector : make some basics requests to the ldap server
  • samba : get informations from the samba backend (GPOs, smbstatus, drives, etc...)
  • devices : Devices list, online checker
  • lmnfile : parse the common configurations file used on's server a provide an unique interface to handle yaml, csv and conf files.
  • linbo : manager for all linbo images, backups, differential images and files.

Please refer to each module's README for more details.

Maintenance Details official ✅ YES
Community support ✅ YES*
Actively developed ✅ YES
Maintainer organisation / Netzint GmbH
Primary maintainer [email protected]

* The linuxmuster community consits of people who are nice and happy to help. They are not directly involved in the development though, and might not be able to help in all cases.


1. Import key:

wget -qO- "" | gpg --dearmour -o /usr/share/keyrings/

2. Add repo:

Linuxmuster 7.2 ( testing )
sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64 signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/] lmn72 main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/lmn72.list'

3. Apt update

sudo apt update && sudo apt install linuxmuster-tools7


LdapConnector is a simple way to get data from the ldap tree in the's project, used in the Webui to accelerate some response time.


Filter atributes in a response

Just import the LdapReader obejct to start send requests. By default, a request will ship all attributes specified in the models, but you can filter it with the parameter list attributes:

>>> from linuxmusterTools.ldapconnector import LMNLdapReader as lr
>>> # Getting all schoolclasses
>>> lr.get('/schoolclasses', attributes=['cn'])
[{'cn': '8b'}, {'cn': '8d'}, {'cn': '12b'}, {'cn': '10b migrated'}, {'cn': '10atest'}, {'cn': '5a'}, ...]
>>> # Searching student with 'bla' in cn
>>> lr.get('/users/search/student/bla', attributes=['cn', 'homeDirectory'])
[{'cn': 'bla2', 'homeDirectory': '\\\\lmn\\default-school\\students\\15z\\bla2'}, {'cn': 'bla', 'homeDirectory': '\\\\lmn\\default-school\\students\\attic\\bla'}, {'cn': 'bla1', 'homeDirectory': '\\\\lmn\\default-school\\students\\15z\\bla1'}, {'cn': 'blatrule', 'homeDirectory': '\\\\lmn\\default-school\\students\\10a\\blatrule'}, {'cn': 'mablat', 'homeDirectory': '\\\\lmn\\default-school\\students\\blabla\\mablat'}]


When getting many objects, you can use the parameter sortkey:

>>> lr.get('/schoolclasses', attributes=['cn'], sortkey='cn')
[{'cn': '5a'}, {'cn': '8b'}, {'cn': '8d'}, {'cn': '10atest'}, {'cn': '10b migrated'}, {'cn': '12b'}, ...]

Output type

If a response contains many items, you get a list of dict, but with the boolean parameter dict, you can switch to a dataclass object:

>>> lr.get('/schools', dict=False)
[LMNSchool(ou='default-school', distinguishedName='OU=default-school,OU=SCHOOLS,DC=linuxmuster,DC=lan')]

The object models are all defined in the models subdirectory.

Available requests

At this point, the following requests are available:

  • /devices : get all devices
  • /devices/NAME : get all informations about the device NAME ( as cn )
  • /devices/search/SELECTION/QUERY : get all devices matching the SELECTION and QUERY criterias. SELECTION is role-based and can be set to all or a specific role like printer. QUERY is string which should be contained in the cn.
  • /projects : get all projects
  • /projects/PROJECT : get all informations about a single project named PROJECT
  • /roles/ROLE : get all users in a specific ROLE ( ROLE can be e.g. teacher, globaladministrator, ... )
  • /schoolclasses : get all schoolclasses
  • /schoolclasses/SCHOOLCLASS : get all informations about a single schoolclass named SCHOOLCLASS
  • /schoolclasses/SCHOOLCLASS/students : get all students informations about a single schoolclass named SCHOOLCLASS
  • /schoolclasses/search/QUERY : if QUERY is e.g. 10, search all schoolclasses whose names contain 10
  • /schools : get a collection of all schools in a multischool environment, models.LMNSchool, subdn='OU=SCHOOLS,')
  • /users : get all users
  • /users/USERNAME : get all informations about the user USERNAME ( as cn )
  • /users/search/SELECTION/QUERY : get all users matching the SELECTION and QUERY criterias. SELECTION is role-based and can be set to all, admins or a specific role like student. QUERY is string which should be contained in the cn.


LMNFile is a common interface to open, parse and write some common confgurations files on a's server.

It's possible to open:

  • yaml files, like the configuration file of the Webui
  • Linbo's start.conf files
  • csv files, like e.g. the teachers' list. For these common csv files, the fieldnames are automatically set
  • the common Linbo files: .desc, .reg, .postsync, .info, .macct, .prestart (those are not parsed)
  • .ini and .conf files.

LMNFile can be used in with statements, supporting read/write modes, in plaintext or binary.


Linbo start.conf file

>>> from linuxmusterTools.lmnfile import LMNFile
>>> with LMNFile('/srv/linbo/start.conf.101', 'r') as f:
...     data =
>>> data
{'config': {'LINBO': {'SystemType': 'efi64', 'KernelOptions': 'irqpoll dhcpretry=25 forcegrub', 'Cache': '/dev/sda4', 'Server': '', 'Group': '101', 'RootTimeout': '600', 'Autopartition': False, 'AutoFormat': False, 'AutoInitCache': False, 'DownloadType': 'torrent', 'BackgroundFontColor': 'white', 'ConsoleFontColorStdout': 'white', 'ConsoleFontColorStderr': 'red'}}, 'partitions': [{'Dev': '/dev/sda1', 'Label': 'efi', 'Size': '200M', 'Id': 'ef', 'FSType': 'vfat', 'Bootable': True}, {'Dev': '/dev/sda2', 'Label': 'ubuntu', 'Size': '35G', 'Id': '83', 'FSType': 'ext4', 'Bootable': True}, {'Dev': '/dev/sda3', 'Label': 'data', 'Size': '35G', 'Id': '83', 'FSType': 'ext4', 'Bootable': False}, {'Dev': '/dev/sda4', 'Label': 'cache', 'Size': '', 'Id': '83', 'FSType': 'ext4', 'Bootable': False}], 'os': [{'Name': 'Ubuntu Mate', 'Version': 'Focal', 'Description': 'Ubuntu Mate', 'IconName': 'ubuntu.png', 'Image': '', 'BaseImage': 'focal.qcow2', 'Boot': '/dev/sda2', 'Root': '/dev/sda2', 'Kernel': '/boot/vmlinuz', 'Initrd': '/boot/initrd.img', 'Append': 'ro splash', 'StartEnabled': True, 'SyncEnabled': True, 'NewEnabled': True, 'Hidden': True, 'Autostart': False, 'AutostartTimeout': '15', 'DefaultAction': 'start'}, {'Name': 'Data', 'Version': '', 'Description': 'Data', 'IconName': 'ubuntu.png', 'Image': '', 'BaseImage': 'data.qcow2', 'Boot': '/dev/sda3', 'Root': '/dev/sda3', 'Kernel': 'vmlinuz', 'Initrd': 'initrd.img', 'Append': 'ro splash', 'StartEnabled': False, 'SyncEnabled': True, 'NewEnabled': False, 'Hidden': True, 'Autostart': False, 'AutostartTimeout': '15', 'DefaultAction': 'sync'}]}


>>> from linuxmusterTools.lmnfile import LMNFile
>>> with LMNFile('/etc/linuxmuster/sophomorix/default-school/devices.csv', 'r') as f:
...     data =
>>> with LMNFile('/etc/linuxmuster/sophomorix/default-school/devices.csv', 'r') as f:
...     data =
>>> for device in data:
...     if device['room'] == 'pxclient':
...             print(device)
{'room': 'pxclient', 'hostname': 'client2453457', 'group': 'test_linbo43', 'mac': '3a:98:3e:68:9e:c9', 'ip': '', 'officeKey': '', 'windowsKey': '', 'dhcpOptions': '', 'sophomorixRole': 'staffcomputer', 'lmnReserved10': '', 'pxeFlag': '1', 'lmnReserved12': '', 'lmnReserved13': '', 'lmnReserved14': '', 'sophomorixComment': '', 'options': ''}
{'room': 'pxclient', 'hostname': 'client245345', 'group': 'test_linbo43', 'mac': '3a:97:3e:68:9e:c9', 'ip': '', 'officeKey': '', 'windowsKey': '', 'dhcpOptions': '', 'sophomorixRole': 'staffcomputer', 'lmnReserved10': '', 'pxeFlag': '1', 'lmnReserved12': '', 'lmnReserved13': '', 'lmnReserved14': '', 'sophomorixComment': '', 'options': ''}
{'room': 'pxclient', 'hostname': 'client3', 'group': 'lz', 'mac': '31:fb:96:33:fd:96', 'ip': '', 'officeKey': '', 'windowsKey': '', 'dhcpOptions': '', 'sophomorixRole': 'staffcomputer', 'lmnReserved10': '', 'pxeFlag': '1', 'lmnReserved12': '', 'lmnReserved13': '', 'lmnReserved14': '', 'sophomorixComment': '', 'options': ''}


>>> from linuxmusterTools.lmnfile import LMNFile
>>> with LMNFile('/etc/linuxmuster/sophomorix/default-school/holidays.yml', 'r') as f:
...     data =
>>> data
{'automn': {'end': '01.11.2021', 'start': '25.10.2021'}, 'hiver': {'end': '04.02.2022', 'start': '31.01.2022'}, 'noël': {'end': '10.01.2022', 'start': '20.12.2021'}, 'pentecôte': {'end': '15.06.2022', 'start': '01.06.2022'}}
>>> data['automn']['start'] = '26.10.2021' # New start date
>>> with LMNFile('/etc/linuxmuster/sophomorix/default-school/holidays.yml', 'w') as f:
...     f.write(data) # Saving to file

Samba tool

This module should later get some useful informations on a server. Actually, it only gives the GPOs in use, as a dataclass object:

>>> from linuxmusterTools.samba import GPOManager
>>> mgr = GPOManager()
>>> mgr.gpos
{'Default Domain Controllers Policy': GPO(dn='CN={6AC1786C-016F-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=linuxmuster,DC=lan', gpo='{6AC1786C-016F-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}', name='Default Domain Controllers Policy', path='\\\\linuxmuster.lan\\sysvol\\linuxmuster.lan\\Policies\\{6AC1786C-016F-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}', unix_path='/var/lib/samba/sysvol/linuxmuster.lan/Policies/{6AC1786C-016F-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}'), 'Default Domain Policy': GPO(dn='CN={31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=linuxmuster,DC=lan', gpo='{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}', name='Default Domain Policy', path='\\\\linuxmuster.lan\\sysvol\\linuxmuster.lan\\Policies\\{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}', unix_path='/var/lib/samba/sysvol/linuxmuster.lan/Policies/{31B2F340-016D-11D2-945F-00C04FB984F9}'), 'sophomorix:school:default-school': GPO(dn='CN={D8D248A8-A5BA-4209-882D-E15969E3B856},CN=Policies,CN=System,DC=linuxmuster,DC=lan', gpo='{D8D248A8-A5BA-4209-882D-E15969E3B856}', name='sophomorix:school:default-school', path='\\\\linuxmuster.lan\\sysvol\\linuxmuster.lan\\Policies\\{D8D248A8-A5BA-4209-882D-E15969E3B856}', unix_path='/var/lib/samba/sysvol/linuxmuster.lan/Policies/{D8D248A8-A5BA-4209-882D-E15969E3B856}')}
>>> mgr.gpos['sophomorix:school:default-school'].unix_path

Linbo image manager

This module provides an object to manage all linbo images, backups and extra files (rename, delete, ... ). The manager contains a dict of all groups in the attributes groups. Each group is a LinboImageGroup which lists all files, backups contained in the directory. You can get a dict of this description with the method to_dict() like bellow:

>>> from linuxmusterTools.linbo import LinboImageManager
>>> lim = LinboImageManager()
>>> lim.groups
{'ubuntu': <linuxmusterTools.linbo.images.LinboImageGroup object at 0x7f579b6443a0>, 'focal': <linuxmusterTools.linbo.images.LinboImageGroup object at 0x7f579b645f00>, 'test-linbo42': <linuxmusterTools.linbo.images.LinboImageGroup object at 0x7f579b25f7f0>, 'data': <linuxmusterTools.linbo.images.LinboImageGroup object at 0x7f579b25f7c0>}
>>> lim.rename('test-linbo42', 'test-linbo101')
>>> lim.groups
{'ubuntu': <linuxmusterTools.linbo.images.LinboImageGroup object at 0x7f579b6443a0>, 'focal': <linuxmusterTools.linbo.images.LinboImageGroup object at 0x7f579b645f00>, 'data': <linuxmusterTools.linbo.images.LinboImageGroup object at 0x7f579b25f7c0>, 'test-linbo101': <linuxmusterTools.linbo.images.LinboImageGroup object at 0x7f579b61a500>}
>>> lim.groups['ubuntu'].to_dict()
{'name': 'ubuntu', 'size': 2609718272, 'desc': 'Install LaTeX and update', 'info': '["ubuntu.qcow2" Info File]\ntimestamp="202108291639"\nimage="ubuntu.qcow2"\nimagesize="2609718272"\npartition="/dev/sda1"\npartitionsize="31457280"\n', 'reg': None, 'postsync': None, 'vdi': None, 'prestart': '#! /bin/bash\n\necho "ok"\n', 'backup': False, 'diff': False, 'timestamp': '202108291639', 'date': '29/08/2021 16:39', 'diff_image': {}, 'backups': {'03/03/2022 19:03': {'name': 'ubuntu', 'size': 0, 'desc': '', 'info': 'timestamp=202203031903\ndate=voila', 'reg': None, 'postsync': None, 'vdi': None, 'prestart': None, 'backup': True, 'diff': False, 'timestamp': '202203031903', 'date': '03/03/2022 19:03'}, '29/08/2021 16:22': {'name': 'ubuntu', 'size': 3233778176, 'desc': 'Install ZSH', 'info': '[ubuntu.qcow2 Info File]\ntimestamp=202108291622\nimage=ubuntu.qcow2\nbaseimage=/dev/sda1\npartitionsize=31457159\nimagesize=3233778176\n', 'reg': None, 'postsync': None, 'vdi': None, 'prestart': '#! /bin/bash\n\necho "ok"\n', 'backup': True, 'diff': False, 'timestamp': '202108291622', 'date': '29/08/2021 16:22'}, '29/08/2021 16:17': {'name': 'ubuntu', 'size': 3233778176, 'desc': 'Install ZSH', 'info': '[ubuntu.qcow2 Info File]\ntimestamp=202108291617\nimage=ubuntu.qcow2\nbaseimage=/dev/sda1\npartitionsize=31457159\nimagesize=3233778176\n', 'reg': None, 'postsync': None, 'vdi': None, 'prestart': '#! /bin/bash\n\necho "ok"\n', 'backup': True, 'diff': False, 'timestamp': '202108291617', 'date': '29/08/2021 16:17'}}, 'selected': False}


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