COVID-19 Dashboard: visualize the COVID-19 cases according to the state, county.
- Version 1: React website. Deploy:
- Version 2: Dash website. Using the Dash interactive Python framework.
(The following instructions apply to terminal command line.)
Create and activate a new virtual environment (recommended) by running the following:
On Windows
virtualenv venv
Or if using linux
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the app:
You can run the app on your browser at
Python version collects data directly from Johns Hopkins CSSE ( and preprocess the data for this app.
React version use the data from Which is a repo which auto fetching data from Johns Hopkins CSSE and and process with scripts. The data will update daily at 0:00 Pacific Time.
Both apps display similarly.
Data Source: Johns Hopkins CSSE (
lit26/COVID19_Data (
Dash Documentation:
Email: [email protected]