Use cases:
- RPC communication between MQTT clients
- Making JSON-RPC HTTP requests from MQTT agents via MQTT (http_bridge)
- Calling MQTT agents from outside world (http_bridge)
MQTT clients subscribe for topics rpc/my_uid/+ and wait for RPC requests.
When somebody wants to send a request it is sent to rpc/destination_uid/my_uid.
Reply is then published to rpc/destination_uid/my_uid/reply.
If your broker users authentication be sure to allow these topics.
- Python3 with asyncio
- hbmqtt
- tinyrpc
In out test case we have ClientA and ClientB, MQTT broker is running on localhost:1883.
ClientA wants to call hello method on ClientB. Here is the code.
import asyncio
from mqttrpc import MQTTRPC
class ClientA(MQTTRPC):
async def run_hello_on_b(self, name):
client_b = self.get_proxy_for('client_b')
return await client_b.hello(name)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
client_a = ClientA(client_uid='client_a')
import asyncio
from mqttrpc import MQTTRPC
from mqttrpc import dispatcher
class ClientB(MQTTRPC):
def hello(self, name):
print ('Got Hello request, sending back.')
return 'Hello, {}'.format(name)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
client_b = ClientB(client_uid='client_b')
Output from client B:
MacBook-Pro-Max:test max$ python3
Client not connected, waiting for it
Hello, Max
Output from client B:
MacBook-Pro-Max:test max$ python3
Got Hello request, sending back.
HTTP Bridge is a transparent bridge between JSON-RPC over MQTT and JSON-RPC over HTTP.
http_bridge starts MQTT client and HTTP server and cross-connects requests between them.
CLIENT_UID is MQTT uid used by MQTT agents to send RPC requests to.
HTTP_URL is real JSON-RPC HTTP server serving the request.
In the example below we use Odoo as RPC server.
First, start a http_bridge settings MQTT client UID and HTTP server URL.
CLIENT_UID=odoo_bridge HTTP_URL=http://localhost:8069/jsonrpc python3
Now let run the following code:
import asyncio
from mqttrpc import MQTTRPC, OdooRPCProxy
async def run_partner_test(self, partner_name):
proxy = OdooRPCProxy(self, 'odoo_bridge')
uid = await proxy.login('test', 'admin', 'admin')
print ('Administrator uid is: ', uid)
assert 1 == uid
res = await proxy.execute('res.partner', 'search', [('name','=', 'Administrator')])
print ('Partner id is: ', res)
assert [3] == res
return res
except Exception as e:
print (e, flush=True)
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
server = TestOdooMQTTRPC(loop=loop)
Here is the output:
MacBook-Pro-Max:test max$ python3
Client not connected, waiting for it
Administrator uid is: 1
Partner id is: [3]
See, OdooRPCProxy is a wrapper around RPCProxy, which shoud be used in other cases.
When using Odoo, you can avoid login call by looking up the login id and creating OdooRPCProxy with it:
proxy = OdooRPCProxy(self, 'odoo_bridge', uid=1)
After that you can call methods without prior call to login.
- Describe notification calls (that do not require reply)
- Show IoT usage example when JSON-RPC is run over LoraWAN.
Docker files are supplied with all examples.
cd test
docker-compose up -d db && sleep 5 && docker-compose up -d odoo broker
Wait 5 seconds for odoo test db init, after that run:
docker-compose up http_bridge test test_odoo
mqtt_broker is up-to-date
Starting mqttrpc_test ... done
mqttrpc_test | INFO:mqtt_rpc:Connected.
mqttrpc_test | Hello, World
mqttrpc_test exited with code 0
MacBook-Pro-Max:test max$
Notice 'Hello World' - that means RPC over MQTT is working.
Now test Odoo MQTT RPC bridge:
docker-compose up test_odoo
mqttrpc_test_odoo | INFO:mqtt_rpc:Connected.
mqttrpc_test_odoo | Administrator id is: [3]
mqttrpc_test_odoo exited with code 0
MacBook-Pro-Max:test max$
Notice Administrator id = [3].§