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A simple demo application for building scalable applications using Microservices, Database Sharding Proxies, Flexible Transactions, APM tools, and deploying to Docker and Kubernetes.

Demo Application Architecture

  • Dubbo: A high-performance, java based open source RPC framework.
    Dubbo employs a client based, decentralized load balance mechanism. Consumers fetch providers from registry servers to client at startup, create long living TCP connections and comunicate directly to providers (for dubbo/thrift protocols), with variant configurable load balance and fail over algorithms. Availability of providers is detected by heartbeat, and new provider registration events are notified by registry servers to all consumers.
    Dubbo provides better performance than Spring Cloud, it can be deployed and scaled in Kubernetes, using its own service discovery, load balance and fail over mechanisms, but it's difficult to work with Istio.
  • Nacos: A naming and config service, providing more enhancements on service discovery and flow control than Zookeeper.
  • ShardingProxy, Mycat: Both are database sharding proxies, providing a transparent database sharding solution.
    The internals are very similar, both implement MySQL protocol to comunicate with cross platform applications, intercept SQL queries and route to backend MySQL servers based on sharding keys and configurable sharding rules. Although it's not recommemded but both of them support cross-sharding queries (without sharding keys in SQL), rewrite SQL if necessary, dispatch queries to all backend MySQL servers, gather results and do aggregation, sorting, pagination in proxy memory, and return result to client.
  • Seata: A flexible transaction framework for distributed applications.
    Seata implements three transaction modes: AT, TCC and SAGA. The demo application uses AT mode, it's transparent for application code.
  • ZipKin, PinPoint, SkyWalking: APM tools for microservices, ZipKin and SkyWalking can work with Istio.

Run demo application


  1. OS: Linux, Mac, or Windows with a bash shell, such as git bash;

    In Mac OSX gnu-sed is required: brew install gnu-sed

  2. JDK 8+ and apache maven;
  3. Docker, 6GB memory for Docker Desktop is recommended;

Package demo application

Use to compile and package the demo application.


  1. Options to enable database sharding: -mycat, -shardingproxy
  2. Options to enable global transaction management: -seata
  3. Options to enable APM: -skywalking, -pinpoint, -zipkin

Example: -mycat -zipkin -shardingproxy -pinpoint -seata

Run in local machine

  1. MySQL and Nacos must be installed, see MySQL scripts and Nacos quickstart.
  2. Install and start 3-party components as you wanted, go to project home for help, and Dockerfiles and scripts in demo application are also references for you.
  3. Edit parent pom.xml and config for your local environment.
  4. Use to compile and package demo application.
  5. Start demo application as following steps: \
    • Neither SkyWalking nor PinPoint is enabled:
      java -jar item-service\target\item-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -jar stock-service\target\stock-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -jar user-service\target\user-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -jar order-service\target\order-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -jar shop-web\target\shop-web-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • SkyWalking is enabled:
      java -javaagent:F:\sw\agent\skywalking-agent.jar -Dskywalking.agent.service_name=svc-item -jar item-service\target\item-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -javaagent:F:\sw\agent\skywalking-agent.jar -Dskywalking.agent.service_name=svc-stock -jar stock-service\target\stock-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -javaagent:F:\sw\agent\skywalking-agent.jar -Dskywalking.agent.service_name=svc-user -jar user-service\target\user-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -javaagent:F:\sw\agent\skywalking-agent.jar -Dskywalking.agent.service_name=svc-order -jar order-service\target\order-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -javaagent:F:\sw\agent\skywalking-agent.jar -Dskywalking.agent.service_name=shop-web -jar shop-web\target\shop-web-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
    • PinPoint is enabled:
      java -javaagent:F:\pinpoint\agent\pinpoint-bootstrap-1.8.5.jar -Dpinpoint.agentId=svc-item-1 -Dpinpoint.applicationName=svc-item -jar item-service\target\item-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -javaagent:F:\pinpoint\agent\pinpoint-bootstrap-1.8.5.jar -Dpinpoint.agentId=svc-stock-1 -Dpinpoint.applicationName=svc-stock -jar stock-service\target\stock-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -javaagent:F:\pinpoint\agent\pinpoint-bootstrap-1.8.5.jar -Dpinpoint.agentId=svc-user-1 -Dpinpoint.applicationName=svc-user -jar user-service\target\user-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -javaagent:F:\pinpoint\agent\pinpoint-bootstrap-1.8.5.jar -Dpinpoint.agentId=svc-order-1 -Dpinpoint.applicationName=svc-order -jar order-service\target\order-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
      java -javaagent:F:\pinpoint\agent\pinpoint-bootstrap-1.8.5.jar -Dpinpoint.agentId=shop-web-1 -Dpinpoint.applicationName=shop-web -jar shop-web\target\shop-web-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


  • Demo Application: localhost:8090/shop
  • Nacos: localhost:8848/nacos, user/password: nacos/nacos
  • ZipKin: localhost:9411/zipkin
  • SkyWalking: localhost:8080
  • PinPoint: localhost:{your-port}
  • Mycat: data port 8066, management port is 9066, use mysql to connect, user/password: mydemo/mydemo

    In Mac OSX, --protocol must be specified:

    mysql -h localhost -P 8066 -umydemo -pmydemo --protocol=TCP
  • ShardingProxy: 3307, use mysql to connect, user/password: mydemo/mydemo

Run in Docker

  1. Build Docker images for all 3-party components used in demo application.

    ATTENTION: Docker support for PinPoint is not provided in demo application, -pinpoint option cann't be used in if you run the demo application in Docker.

  2. Run Docker containers for all 3-party components. It's recommended for you that take docker/ as a reference, and only run those containers you wanted, to avoid Docker hungs because of memory pressure.
    All containers run in a Docker Network mydemo created in docker/, docker-compose is not used.
  3. Use docker/ to build images and run containers for demo application.
    • -build: Build images for item, stock, user, order services and shop-web app.
    • -run: Run containers for item, stock, user, order services and shop-web app.
    • -stop: Stop containers for item, stock, user, order services and shop-web app.
    • -rm: Remove containers for item, stock, user, order services and shop-web app.
    • -rmi: Remove images for item, stock, user, order services and shop-web app.


# Run demo application with Mycat, Seata and ZipKin -mycat -seata -zipkin
docker/ -build -run
# Run demo application with ShardingProxy and SkyWalking -shardingproxy -skywaling
docker/ -stop -rm -rmi -build -run


  • Demo Application: localhost:18090/shop
  • Nacos: localhost:18848/nacos, user/password: nacos/nacos
  • ZipKin: localhost:19411/zipkin
  • SkyWalking: localhost:18080
  • Mycat: data port 18066, management port 19066, use mysql to connect, user/password: mydemo/mydemo

    In Mac OSX, --protocol must be specified:

    mysql -h localhost -P 18066 -umydemo -pmydemo --protocol=TCP
  • ShardingProxy: 13307, use mysql to connect, user/password: mydemo/mydemo
  • MySQL13306, use mysql to connect, user/password: root/123

Run in Kubernetes

The YAML and script files in k8s/ run the demo application with Mycat and ZipKin in Kubernetes.

  1. Build Docker images for all 3-party components used in the demo application.
  2. Deploy demo application in Kubernetes:


  • Demo Application: localhost:30090/shop
  • Nacos: localhost:30048/nacos, user/password: nacos/nacos
  • ZipKin: localhost:30041/zipkin
  • Mycat: data port is 30066, management port is 30067, use mysql to connect, user/password: mydemo/mydemo

    In Mac OSX, --protocol must be specified:

    mysql -h localhost -P 30066 -umydemo -pmydemo --protocol=TCP
  • MySQL30006, use mysql to connect, user/password: root/123

Dubbo in Kubernetes
Dubbo services are deployed by Kubernetes Deployment, and not registered as Kubernetes Service. They use Dubbo's own service descovery, load balance, providers take POD IP to register to Nacos, consumers fetch providers from Nacos and comunicate with all providers by POD IP. Dubbo services can be managed by Deployment, the following example scripts show how to scale svc-user to 3 PODs. New POD ready and existing POD terminated events can be discovered by Dubbo.

# Scale user-service to 3 PODs
kubectl scale Deployment svc-user --replicas=3
# Open 3 terminals to watch user-service logs
# 1. Find user-service PODs
kubectl get pods | grep svc-user
# 2. Watch logs for each svc-user POD
kubectl logs svc-user-68ff844499-9zqf8 -c svc-user -f
kubectl logs svc-user-68ff844499-dgsnx -c svc-user -f
# 3. Open http://localhost:30090/shop, Click "Run a Full TestCase" button and watch which user-service instance is used.

Run with Istio

The YAML and script files in istio/ is a simple example for running shop-web with Istio, YAML files are the same with those in k8s/ except web-shop-deployment.yaml. It's tested in Docker Desktop, with Istio installed and default namespace enabled for istio-injection as following:

istioctl manifest apply --set profile=demo
kubectl label ns default istio-injection=enabled --overwrite

Run demo application:


Bind to local machine IP in hosts file, and use to visit.

shop-web is deployed with two versions: 2 PODs for v1 and 1 POD for v2, default route to v1, use URL query param version=v2 to route to v2. This is achieved by VirtualService and DestinationRule in istio/deployment/web-shop-deployment.yaml.

Dubbo services using dubbo/thrift/rmi protocols cann't work with Istio, if use http/rest/webservice protocols, Spring Boot is a better choice rather than Dubbo.


Logs for order-service, debug logs for Seata is printed:

Data distribution in shards:

Mycat explain:




