This Tests use the BDD framework is based in Ruby + Cucumber + Capybara + Rspec + SitePrism.
- Ruby 2.5.5
- capybara
- cucumber
- rspec
- selenium-webdriver
- webdrivers
- pry
- rake
- site_prism
- unzip the project
- access the path and execute $ bundle install ** is necessary environment RUBY installed in machine
- from Windows use:
- from MAC or LINUX use:
- chrome is browser default
type: $front-end-automation>cucumber features*
type: $front-end-automation>cucumber features\specs\automationpractice.feature
type: $front-end-automation>cucumber features\specs\signup.feature
type: $front-end-automation>cucumber features\specs* --tag @success
type: $front-end-automation>cucumber features\specs* --tag @errorMessage
type: $front-end-automation>cucumber features\specs* --tag @error
type: $front-end-automation>cucumber features* BROWSER=firefox --tag @1
Report is generated in $front-end-automation\reports in html format
- $front-end-automation\reports\execution_report.html